Chapter 7

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Jennie’s POV

While I was on my way downstairs, I heard a loud thud through the kitchen. I rolled my eyes thinking that the clumsy maids did something wrong again but my guess was wrong. There I saw a girl sitting in the floor while whining about her butt and cursing at the wall. She’s stupid as I analyze her and because of her stupidness I laugh a bit which she immediately heard. As her eyes squint on her surroundings, I hide behind the big potted plant. I heard footsteps after that which means the girl already left so I got out. She’s something, crazy and stupid.
I’m not really excited at my own party, not even a bit. My dad is just wasting so much money, all I plead is for Roseann Park to deliver the food in the house then boom! Dad suddenly burst out that we should celebrate and invited all. Ugghhh I hate the idea.

“Miss not so pretty, where’s the food I ask a while ago? I told you to put it in my room and I’ve been waiting for merely 10 minutes but there’s none” I look at the maid emotionless with a little irritation.

She bowed at me apologetically “I’m sorry miss, I forgot about it”

My eyes roll at her reply “Then forget that you’re working in here. You’re fired!” I walk out hearing her pleading.

“Miss please I beg you, I’m sorry I won’t do it again” she cried as she kneel down.

I look at her “Yeah, you probably won’t do it again. Because you’re totally fired”

She sobs at my response but unfortunately dad appears on the dramatic scene.

He look at me suspiciously and look at the maid “What the hell is going on Jennie?!?” he cross his arms

I look at him boredly “Well this lady here didn’t do what I told her to do, so what do forgetful people get? Fired”

He shook his head disagreeing at my comment “Get back to work, you’re not fired. I’ll just talk to my stubborn daughter”

The maid exited not looking back at us, what a disrespectful human being. She didn’t even said thank you tsk. As I’m creating a deadful plan in my head, my father spoke.

“Why do you always seems so hot tempered? They’re doing nothing wrong on you” he look authoritatively.

“Nothing wrong? You’re not blind dad, you’re just too kind hearted. Can’t you see those acts they’ve been doing, especially their behavior. They look nice but when you turn your back they keep on having a bad side” I rolled my eyes at my explanation.

He massage his temple “Young lady, you’ve got to be a little nicer and you’ll see that they’re not what you expect them to be” he hold both of my hands “I know it’s hard for you to trust but just try, okay?”

I look at him and I saw sadness in his eyes “Okay I’ll try it dad, but don’t force me to do that now” I hug him as he hug me too.

“Thank you princess, stop being so mean to them. I don’t know where to hire a lot of maids if every month you’ll fire them” we both laugh at his reply.

Well goodluck to those bitches I’m not going to be nice and saint and all. Ugghhh I hate the feeling of being their subject in all their chitchat. I’m going to murder them with games, let’s see who stand among the rest.

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