Chapter 19

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Lisa’s POV

I was once again amazed on how gigantic the Kim’s mansion is, it’s been 7 months since I last step here that’s the time when we cater them because of his daughter’s birthday. Some of us just look the entire house in awe while Kai is not interested at all. It seems like he’s waiting to see Mr. Kim’s daughter which made me suddenly feel nervous.

“Welcome to our humble home, make yourself comfy I ordered my maids to make some breakfast for all of you. I know the trip was tiring, take a seat before we all discuss our business later” I heard Mr. Kim’s voice.

“This was too much Mr. Kim, you shouldn’t troubled yourself” I told him honestly

“Nah, this is only a small thing. Everyone let’s eat, please call my daughter” Mr. Kim spoke

The maid was a little bit hesitant if she’d call or she’d just stay there but she decided to call Mr. Kim’s daughter. She entered the kitchen and not long after the door opened revealing an angel who have the looks of an angry mandu. We’re all looking at her in amazement as she walks near the dining table and stand beside his father. She look at us one by one but she lingers more on me, she was cut off by his father’s cough.

“Everyone this is my daughter Jennie, Jennie this are my men. Introduce yourself” Mr. Kim said.

I was shocked that her daughter was the one I met at the party 7 months ago. The beating of my heart was doubled and I got more anxious on how I will deal with this. I hoped she won't recognize me since it's been 7 months since we last saw each other. My colleagues start to tell their names to Jennie but it looks like she don’t have any interest at all. Kai was the next one who’ll introduce his name so it means I’m next to him because unfortunately we sat beside each other.

“Hi Jennie, I’m Kai” he simply said.

I was so nervous while these people aren’t, how can they stay calm in this situation. Maybe I’m just overreacting since we’ll just have to introduce ourselves, I just have to say my name to her.

I stand on my seat “H-hi m-miss, my n-name is-sss Li-lisa” then I curse out of nowhere.

“What? Lilisa? Tsk stupid name” she commented.

“Jennie, watch your words” his father warned.

Kai suddenly chuckled beside me which made me feel more embarrassed. Jennie spat on her “What’s funny?”

He suddenly kept quiet, I save all the courage left within me to speak.

“I’m Lisa miss” I said without stuttering and thanks god I did it correctly.

“Hmmm Lisa, nice to meet you all. But I’m telling you, I have eyes everywhere.  One wrong move will be the death of you” she used her scariest aura on us which sent shivers to our state.

We all ate after that petty encounter, as I munch on my food I can’t help but to glance back at Jennie who peacefully eating her breakfast. She was absolutely pretty even if she just chew her food with that mandy cheeks, I look beside me and I saw Kai is also creepily looking at Jennie. I think this will be a competition again to both of us since it begun in the camp. Mr. Kim call it a meal and ordered us to follow him in his office to discuss about our deal and our job descriptions. I glance at Jennie before she could enter her room, she smell like strawberries and vanilla. We all entered Mr. Kim’s office and sat comfortably infront of his table as he bring out the papers we’re all going to sign.

“So we are gathered here and talk about the regulations you’re all going to obey. Based on the contract, Lisa and Kai will be the main personal bodyguards of my daughter. The rest will be the guards around them, I’ll give this papers to you and review them for a bit before signing. After this you can start your jobs now” he calmly spoke to us.

We answered “Yes sir”

Everyone got their copies including me and I scan the written documents. There are lots of rules listed on the paper especially about the safety of her daughter. Some are mostly about how should we handle a situation on our own and our main objective must protect our subject at all cost. It means that even our life will be at risk to make her safe. Everyone was started signing as they finished reading the context and pass them to Mr. Kim, I already signed mine and gave it to him.

“So everything is settled, I hope there won’t be any problem. Go to your designated workplace, Lisa and Kai will you please stay behind. I’ll just talk to the both of you privately. Everyone dismiss” Mr. Kim rummaged through his table’s drawer looking for something.

Everyone got out except me and Kai who silently sat across each other. We didn’t even acknowledge each other’s presence. Mr. Kim brought two boxes, he gave one to me and the other one to Kai. We both look at him in a confuse manner, not touching what he put on the table.

“Since both of you are going to be my daughter’s guards, accept this. Those are phones that will really help you to connect to us if there’s something bad happen. And lastly, you’re both into this so it means my daughter’s life should matter more than your own” he reminded.

I smiled “Don’t worry sir, we’ll do our very best to keep your daughter safe from harm. Keep that from us” I replied.

“I’ll keep your daughter safe, trust me sir I’m better” Kai bragged.

Mr. Kim just smiled and nod at us “That’s good to hear, now go and do your service. See you around” he lean back on his chair.

Both of us stand and made our way outside.

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