Chapter 26

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Lisa's POV

I never spoke that much to a person, except Chaeng of course. I don't open myself like a book to anyone but Jennie, there's something different
that makes me trust her without doing anything. She feel like a home where I could be myself, like I don't need to pretend or lie, like she has the safest treasure chest where I could leave all my worries and fears. She was like a human security box, where you don't have to feel insecure.

"Let's go home" I heard her say as I still watch the sun coming down from where it belongs.

"Okay Nini" I stand first and help her. She dust herself as the sand stick through her feet.

She walk marvelously "You know I really love how my skin felt the sand, it was like the touch of my mom" she said so as we continue to walk along.

I look at her "And why's that sad look on your face?" curiosity kills the cat as they say.

"This place, is so memorable to me" she paused as she looks around "this was the only place where I could see mom" I saw her tears slowly falling down on her mandu cheeks.

I made a move which surprise her, it's like my body has mind on it's own. My thumb reaches her cheeks as it wipes the tears. Both my hands hold her face as I stared at her eyes.

"Then you should always come here, not because you wanted to feel the pain again. Its because you want to be with her again......and for me, that's not a bad thing" after saying those she hug me tightly as she sobs through my shoulder. I just rub her back and tap her head, this girl is also as soft as the others.

After that dramatic moment we went home without saying any word, the car drive was so silent like nothing happened between us. And I wouldn't take that far, a little is enough to keep. Whatever happened in her past, I hope she could surpass it without feeling any pain or hatred. Sometimes we have to lose someone in order for us to live, or sometimes we lose someone because its bound to happen.

Before I could hold the doorknob of my room she spoke "Lisa" so I look back at her.

She was in the middle of the stairs looking straight to my eyes "Thank you for today, I mean it" I saw her smile for the first time. I mean she smiled genuinely for the first time. She continued to walk upstairs without hearing my response.

"From cloud nine already?" I knew who that voice came from as I replace my smile into a frown.

"Nope, it's even better than that" I smirk "Feeling jealous? Awww don't be, you don't have that don't you?" I joke

He comes near me with balled fist "Tsk, don't flatter yourself, just consider that as a gratitude......for now. But, her liking you? She'd better kiss a butt" he chuckled.

I got sad by his choice of words, I knew it was true. 7 billion people in the world, why would Jennie Kim like me of all those choices she could choose from?

"Ooops, did I turn your dream into nightmare? Sorry" Kai walk away as I still stand there thinking what he just said. I got inside my room, lay on my bed trying to sleep but Kai's opinion kept me awake. Oh god let me suffer tomorrow.

Jennie's POV

Lisa isn't bad at all, I mean she's not boring to talk to or be a company to someone. My feeling is a little bit lighter now after that dramatic conversation with her and she was all ears as I tell her a few story about my mom. I'm not an easily trustworthy woman so only few people knew what I'm going through and I'm not yet ready to tell Lisa about everything to me. What I told her is enough.......for the meantime.

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