C1: The Idiots

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"Amber we're gonna be late!" I hear my mom yell from the kitchen downstairs. Standing in my bathroom, I check my outfit in the mirror. Tugging down on the soft fabric to straighten it out. "One second!" I shout back, hiding a fray strand of hair behind my ear. The mirror reflects my image and I cringe a little. The way the clothes frame my body makes me insecure. "Come on Amber you've known them forever..." I whisper to myself as I bite the inside of my cheeks and take a deep breath. "They won't care."

"I swear to god Amber we need to go. Come on." I jump a little as my older brother Jaeden busts into my bathroom. Rolling my eyes, I cross my arms and turn to face him. "So there's this thing called knocking."

He scoffs and runs a hand through his straight brown hair. "I don't care. We should've left 5 minutes ago but your indecisive ass can't choose an outfit." My eyes grow wide. "You know mom and dad don't like language." Flicking me off, he turns around and slams my door before shouting one last 'hurry.'

Jaeden Michael. The oldest of us three. He's always been the kind to be stubborn, or very irritable. You know, doesn't listen to anyone, usually stays alone in his room all day, yeah that's him. The only time he's happy is when he hangs out with all of us idiots.

The idiots are a group of friends. Boys and girls. Our parents were friends in high school, and stayed that way up to now. Their children are us. Me, Jaeden, Jack, Louis, Millie, and Issie.

We're basically together all the time. Like... everyday. Me and Louis are near in age, making us super close. We're also both the middle child. He has two sisters, I have two brothers. We often like to trade and pretend that his sisters are mine, and my brothers are his. He's been my best friend since diapers. And knows literally everything about me. From my favorite color, to the exact time I was born. He tried to teach me how to ride my bike, which ended with a broken leg and a big scar. He hyped me up at my first softball game, which ended in a loss and a ton of tears. And he was there for my first heartbreak. Handed me tissues as I ranted about everything to him.

But he wasn't like my brother. No we felt like best friends. Just... friends that know everything about one another.

But back to now, I scurried downstairs where my entire family waited by the door for me. My Mom was tapping her foot against the wooden floor, and my dad was checking his phone. "Sorry... I just couldn't decide what to wear.

Mom looked up to me standing on the stairwell. "Honey you've got to stop worrying about it! They've known you forever, you really think they're gonna care?" I shake my head and jog down the stairs, as my other brother, Jack, opened the door for us to go to the car.

Jack was my younger brother. When he wasn't playing video games, he was hanging with us idiots. Unlike Jaeden, Jack actually was fun. And had a cool personality. But he's spoiled as heck, being the youngest child.

Once we all make it to the car and begin driving, I pull out my phone and see 2 new texts from Louis.


pear tree💙
you almost here?
i wanna show u something

omw and okay 🙄

pear tree💙


pear tree💙

OKAY you win💔

pear tree💙
always do😌✋🏻

see you soon stupid

pear tree💙
bye loser


I smile down at my phone and place it in my lap as I look out the window at the golden streaks of sunlight peeking around Big Ben.

"I still don't get why you guys text like that." Jack laughs a little and I flinch at the random sentence after silence.

"It's how best friends text? What? Do you say things like "hello" and "nice hear from you" or are you normal like me?" I exclaim. "Well no but I don't send a middle finger through text." Jack shares as I see Mom's face appear in the mirror between the two front seats.

"You text people the middle finger?"

"Mom it's a joke."

"It doesn't sound very kind"


She sits back down. "Okay okay." There's another moment of silence but it's cut off once more. "I don't understand your generation." She says.


"Okay now I'm done."

I roll my eyes and go back to looking out the window. Jack giggled a little beside me and I couldn't help but join in. His laugh is contagious. It's one of those really weird and ugly ones that make the most random noises and you can't help but make fun of it.

Yeah, that's Jack's laugh.


A/N: I hope you liked the first chapter!! I won't update as often because it takes a lot longer to write but I really hope you enjoyed it!!
Ps sorry if it's boring, the first chapters always are.
Love you guys!!!

(Oh and sorry for any spelling errors)

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