C39: It Was You

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I FOUND ONE OF ALL THEM😭 Louis the little gentleman. I'm def buying dark pink crocs now so I can match baby Louis.


"Ugh it just worries me Louis!" Layla says, staring at my ceiling as she twirls her hair. I shook my head. "I promise you Layla, me and Amber are just friends. Besides, I've known her forever. It would be awkward and almost scary if we started dating."

It felt a little wrong to be giving her false information because the truth was, less than 2 weeks ago, I was in love with Amber. But Layla threw me for a spin when she arrived.

She sits up in my bed super quickly and reaches into her pocket, grabbing out her phone and tapping around for a second. "I don't trust you... I feel like you like her." She frowned then setting it flat on my bed. I eyed her phone skeptically, because I thought she was doing something 'sneaky' but I didn't care.

"I don't like her that way Layla. I'm just trying to make her feel good because I don't wanna hurt her feelings by saying I don't like her back. She's so annoying sometimes. And she's not my type don't worry. I'm not into brunettes. Or taller girls. Trust me if I thought she was pretty and I liked her, I would drop you."

I say, regretting it right after. Layla smirks a little and picks up her phone, tapping it once, and setting it in her pocket. What was she doing?

I shook it off and took a deep breath. "Just don't worry about it."


Louis POV

I made it to Amber's house as fast as I could. She told me that whatever Layla said, she wouldn't listen to, but now here she was. Calling me a horrible person and saying she hates me.

It was a direct stab in my heart.

I parked the car on her driveway and hopped out, quickly jogging to their door. I can't loose Amber. I just can't.

I give it a knock three times and hear some shuffling. "One moment!" A voice calls out.

I bite my lip really hard and looks down. What could have upset her so much!?

The door opens and I give a rushed smile to Esme. Her smiles turns upside down and she sighs. "Louis dear I'm afraid this isn't a good time. Amber's door is locked and she isn't very happy..."

I shake my head. "I'm sorry this is and emergency... she- she called me to come."

Esme's face lit up and bit and she nodded, stepping aside and letting me in. I've got this. I just have to have patience with her. Like I said: Amber can beat anyone up, but words can saw her down like wood.

I hang my coat up, and then quickly run down the stairs to her bedroom. There wasn't soft music. There wasn't and led's seeping through the bottom of her door. It was just silence and a few quiet sobs. Oh god she isn't gonna be happy to see me. I don't even know what I did wrong.

Swallowing once, and then taking a really deep breath, I knock on her door gently.

"For the last time Jack, leave me alone." A voice says. I bite my tongue. Jack was probably trying to help her but she didn't even let HIM in.

I took a deep breath, hearing myself shake a little. "It's Louis."

Just pure and utter silence.

"Just the fact that you have the audacity to show up right now-"

"Amber I just- we really need to talk."

I dig into my pocket, fidgeting with the few random things I keep inside, when I feel a small tear drop shape. I raise an eyebrow and pick it out.

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