C20: The Fight

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Disclaimer: Swearing and VERBAL fighting

After we got back home, both of us were sniffling and giggling about things as the sky was dark and the stars were out.

"Your nose is so red it's bad!" He laughed a little, as we made it back to my house. I rolled my eyes and elbow him in the arm. "Shut up your cheeks are too." He giggles a little and links arms with me as we skip to my door.

It was fun doing this with Louis again. Being us again. Being stupid again.

"What should we do?" I ask as we make it down to my bedroom. Louis throws off his winter gear, and flops onto my bed. "I don't know."

I sigh and sit next to him running a hand through his fluffy hair. "We could... watch a movie?"

"Meh I'm not in the mood to sit around."



"Truth or dare?"

He sits up for a second and shrugs. "That would only last us a little..." I smile and twist to face him. "But it's be fun? Maybe we'll think of something as we play."

Louis grins a bit and nods. "Okay sure." He says, sitting up and turning towards me.

"Celebrity crush. Go."


"I'm not a celebrity."

"Your in a show on Netflix. Yes you are."

(This story is when he was in Medici and other small parts, but not Tewksbury yet.)

He sighs. "Okay fine, besides me." I squint my eyes for a second and look up. "Umm... jeez I don't know." I say looking back at him and shrugging. "Well is there someone you think is hot at least?"


"Okay who?"

"Tom Holland, Chris Evans, JJ Maybank, John Krasinsky, Gilbert Blithe, Lucas Sinclair, young Leo di-"

"Amber half of them are fictional." He giggles a little bit. I shrug. "And who says I can't think fictional characters are hot too?" He laughs a little more and looks down. "Okay fine you go."

I guess I was being stupid and wasn't thinking because my idiotic self accidentally brought up Layla.
"Louis?" I say, looking down at my fingers to pop them.

"What's up?" He says, looking at me with his full attention. "I... do you... can you tell me about what's going on with you and Layla?" I say, immediately regretting it afterwards. There's an awkward pause in which Louis looks down, along with me.

"Well she's a really nice girl. And she's quite pretty... but we're just friends right now. She said she liked me, but I'm just confused. I really like you, but I also really like her and..."

He stops himself from finishing, which quickly spikes my curiosity. "And what?"

He sighs, and his head falls back, as he looks up at the ceiling. "She's... she's ready to be in a relationship..." He says, and I can hear the worry in his tone. I don't say anything for a minute.

I hate myself.

"A- are you gonna ask her out?" I say through stutters. Please say no.

"I don't know. But it wouldn't surprise me if she does."

"And will you say yes?"



Ouch. I guess I don't know what I was expecting, but there was a moment of silence in which I looked at my legs, crossed in my lap. I was a little angry. At myself. At Layla. At everything.

"Look I'm sorry-"

"No that's great. I love that you moved on so fast." I say sarcastically, realizing it sounded meaner than I hoped for. Louis leans back a bit and seems confused.

"Why are you angry with me?" He asks, slowly standing up off my bed. "I'm not angry Louis why do you always assume things?!" I snapped,  quickly covering my mouth with my sleeve after realizing how harsh I sounded.

Louis takes a few steps back and looks shocked. "Amber that's not fair." He sounded serious now.

"What's not fair?"

"The fact that you had 17 years to get with me, but you didnt, and now that someone else is here you suddenly are jealous? I'm allowed to like who I want!" His voice was slowly starting to raise.

"She's been here for less than a week Louis! And you know I've been dealing with a lot after me and Noah and you know it hurt me and I'm afraid of being hurt again!"

"I know and I'm there for you!! But I can date other girls!!"


"Amber this is the things about you that I hate!! Your so hypocritical and you always manipulate me! I'm sick of your bullshit so get it together or let me be with someone else!!"

His voice was at a yell now. His words were like knives. Stabbing into my heart. I bite my lips to stop my tears and snap back. "Yeah well maybe there's some things I hate about you!"

"Oh yeah? What would that be?"

"The way that you tell me you love me and wanna be with me and she shows up and owns your heart after 4 days?!? It's ridiculous!! Your ridiculous!!"

He laughs a little while still looking pissed. "Oh I see, so now I'm ridiculous? The one who's been there for you through literally everything and gives you nothing but attention and love!?! I think your the one who needs to fix themselves. Noah and you broke up this summer!! It's November Amber!! Shouldn't you be over that whole 'I'm scared of relationships' thing? It's literally your only excuse to anything and I keep letting you get away with it. Not to mention it's the stupidest damn shit I've ever heard!! You know I'd never hurt you the way Noah did. And you always compare me to him. I hate being compared to other boys Amber. It's not fair. I canceled plans with Layla, the new girl with no friends so that I could come and see you today. So I'm so sorry if it seems shitty of me to like someone else, but if one of us is in the wrong here, it's you. Fuck you Amber. Fuck you."

And with that, he grabs his things off the ground and leaves my room. I hear his footsteps storming away as I crumble into my bed, crying. We've never fought that bad. It's always been little arguments that are solved in 2 minutes. This one I was pretty sure would last a while. Thank god my parents are grocery shopping right now or else they would've witnessed that all.

I feel myself sink into the comforters and scream. I scream at the top of my lungs, grabbing the sheets and ripping them down. I take a second to catch my breathe and then scream again. He was right. I'm a fucking mess. And I'm manipulative. I'm hypocritical and needy and i don't know why he's even my friend anymore.

But despite knowing that, I was still so hurt, and sad. Those words came from his mouth. His.

I think that part hurts most.

Sorry for any spelling errors

But dude imagine Louis yelling that to you... I'd literally cry my eyes out and pass away on spot💔

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