C22: Jack-o-lantern

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Louis POV

Well shoot. She fell asleep on my shoulder. I really don't know how to react because I just yelled at her and I'm pretty sure I'm the reason we got no sleep. God I was too harsh. Way to harsh. It was awkward trying to keep her asleep because I knew she needed it, and I cared that she was feeling her best, but I don't think she'd be happy to find out it was on me.

I tried not to type or use my left arm so my shoulder stayed still for her, and decided I'd just get off my phone. I closed my eyes and decided to take the time to apologize to her... just practicing while she's asleep.

Amber I'm really sorry about what I said... you aren't manipulative or hypocritical, you we're just afraid of being hurt again. And I hurt you. Now I'm the bad guy. And I'm so so sorry because I love you and I know it doesn't seem like it. I'm sorry about Layla and that mess to, because the honest truth is that I love you. I like her, and the only reason I'd wanna date her is because she's nice and she's ready to love someone. I understand if your not. And I understand if you hate me now I just... I'm sorry Amber... please forgive me.

I shake my head. It's too long. Too complicated and boring and I'm sure she'd roll her eyes or something. I start over and think of another apology.

Amber I love you, and I'm sorry I'm catching feelings for Layla. Please forgive me.

Too blunt and what the heck was that.

Amber what I said last night was wrong... I'm so sorry and I promise nothing I said was true, I was just angry. And I'll figure things out with us and I'll fix things with Layla, just please forgive me.

Not... horrible.

I felt myself begin to get sleepy, and slowly drifting off. No no no stay awake.

I can't upset her more.

Stay awake stay... awake... sta-

I fell asleep, resting my head on top of hers.


Amber POV

I woke up to my mother abruptly patting me and Louis. That's when I realized we fell asleep on each other's shoulders and heads. Great. I quickly pull away from him and and does too, awkwardly situating himself and standing up. "Come on you two!! They're here!" I rubbed my eyes and shut out Louis. Right now I should I focus on the rest of them.

They were running over with their bags in their hands and rolling their luggage. I smiled as Jack ran into mum and dads arms. He looked so happy. I smiled a little and Jack turned his head to me. "Amberrrr!!" He said running over to me and leaving his things by our parents. I gave Jack a hug and waved. "Why aren't you talking?" He asked, pulling away and confused. I glanced over to Louis who was giving Millie a hug.

"Um..." I said, my voice super duper quiet. "I'll have to talk about that later." Jacks eyes widened as he heard how quiet and slightly raspy I sounded. I read somewhere that honey gets rid of a lost voice. I'd have to try that. After Millie, Jaeden and Issie all give me hugs, we all stood in a circle, talking for a minute or two.

Jack threw me a few concerned looks but I tried to ignore them and look normal.

"Did you make any new friends?" My mum asks them, crossing her arms and smiling. Millie nodded. "A lot! Practically everyone in section 6."
(Wink wink okay sorry I'll stop with these)

I grabbed out my water bottle and took a few sips, hoping to be able to speak a little louder so I don't seem like a jerk.

Jaeden was pretty smiley today. Not sure why, but he just looked happy to see everyone again. "Alright well we can go back, and get you two situated. We'll see you guys tonight for the party?" Liz asked. I nodded and so did the rest of us.

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