C35: Scones and Snow

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Finally. FINALLY the parents went to sleep. This is the one night a year that the parents and kids stay over. And at 11:48 pm on the dot, me and Louis were sent upstairs, only to find them all out like a light. I give him a silent high five and the we turn around and run downstairs, his hand in mine.

Speaking of Louis... let's just say his gift was... extremely special.

"They're out." I say, a large smile on my face. Louis squeezes my hand hard, causing me to yank away and giggle a little. "Okay well you know the drill, go grab your things." Jack said, as he grabbed Millie's hand and they scurried to their bags. "Stay quiet!" Issie whispered, linking arms with Jaeden and they both skip away.

"C'mere." Louis says, grabbing onto my wrist and smiling as I grab back. We run upstairs, and try our best to tip toe and not laugh at my dads snoring as we grab our snow stuff. Louis was biting his lip to hold back from laughing as my dad let out another EEOOOOUUURRR.

I accidentally slipped a little laugh and Louis quickly threw his hand over my mouth as he tried not to burst out too.

"Amber. Shush." He whispered, slowly removing his hand and instead placing his index finger on my lips.



I giggled under my breath and Louis clenched his eyes shut and sucked in his lips, trying not to laugh. I took a deep breath and Louis dropped his hand, grabbing his bag and then my wrist once more, running down the stairs.

We made it back and Louis shoved his face in the couch, finally letting out his laugh, as I joined him. I picked up the pillow and shoved it to my mouth nearly crying from hearing my dad snore upstairs. We'd need headphones to sleep. I put a hand on Louis back. He sat up, revealing his teary eyes from laughing so hard.

I laughed harder seeing him not even be able to breathe.

"Are you crying!?!" I smuggle through the pillow, as he nods a little more and laughs again. I take a short breath and try to calm down.

"Alright alright come on, let's change."

Louis picks up his head and I see a small purple line where his tear was. Confused, I set the pillow down and lean closer to his face. "Louis what's this?" I gently tap on the small purple spot and he flinches, moving back and covering his cheek. He looks nervous.

"Wait what? Can you see something?"

I nod, and skeptically move forward trying to take a closer look, but he quickly inhaled and moves back. "What is that?"

He holds his breath and doesn't say anything for a minute.

"It's uh- me and Millie found purple eye shadow earlier and put it on me for fun. We covered it with the other makeup."

How gullible does he think I am? I decide to be nice and question him however, because I wanna enjoy the night without worry. "Okay? That's fine uh..."

There's an extremely awkward silence between us, before I break it off. "Let's get in our stuff." I say, grabbing onto his hand and pulling him up, his hand still on the side of his face.

Awkwardly, I let go of his hand and grab out my things, quickly changing into them as Millie and Jack join us.

Once everyone was ready, we grabbed our flashlights, some money, our phones, and some candy from my drawer. And then we set off.

All of our arms are linked as we skip around. Our snow pants make a ruffling sound as we collide into one another's paths and giggle our faces off. It was midnight but our party was just beginning.

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