C11: Hold Me Close

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"Louis!" I called out as I see his car come up to me. My hands hadn't stopped shaking since Chase first put his hand on my thigh. Louis makes me feel safe. Like no one can hurt me. He slows his car down, and I quickly jump inside, slamming the door and fastening my seatbelt. My jaw was clattering, eyes were full of tears and I hugged my knees to my chest.

"Amber what happened?" Louis asks, with furrowed brows and anxiety in his eyes. I take a couple deep breaths and rock gently in my seat. "I'll tell you l- later just ple-please take me h-home." I stutter.

Louis immediately starts driving again, taking me back to my house. His hands were tight on the steering wheel, and his eyes fixed on the road, except for a few times he took to glance down at me.

"Did he hurt you?" He asks, and I can hear him trying to stay calm. "Oh god please tell me he didn't hurt you." I lifted my head from my knees, staring at the road and trying to catch my breath. "I can't do this right now Louis, just please, let's get home first." I said through blurry sight and stutters. I can sense Louis staring at me.

When I look back, his jaw is clenched. I can't tell if he's angry or sad. Or both? He looks back out at the road and I close my eyes. Calm down.

"I'm scared Louis."

I say, dropping my head to my chest. I shudder thinking about his lips. He reminds me of black licorice. Very few people like him. His lips were rough and his hands were cold. Colder than mine.

"No no your okay, whatever he did was wrong but he's gone now alright? He can't touch you anymore."

I watched him bring a hand over to me, but he takes it back quickly. I know he's trying to comfort me, and it makes me feel safe to know he's considerate of how I'm feeling.

"It's gonna be okay." He says, as we turn a corner. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths. He's right. Chase is gone. He's here. I'm safe.

• • •

"We're here." Louis says, parking the car in my driveway and looking down at me. "Amber are you okay with my holding your hand for a second?"

I look over at him, his eyes full of care, and caution. I knew Louis wouldn't do anything like Chase, so I nodded.

He sighs and takes his hands, wrapping them around mine. "Oh my god your shaking." I feel him trace circles on my palms. Feeling his hands made me feel better. I look down as a tear falls.

"Look at me." He says, leaning forward a little bit to that our eyes are aligned.

I turn my head upward, tears clogging my eyes, but not falling out.

"I love you. I'm never gonna hurt you. Okay? Trust me, your safe."

The feeling of his warm hands calms me. And his eyes staring deep into my soul. I close my eyes and exhale. I never want to let go of his hands. I feel comfortable, and secure.

"Your mom gets home at 6 right?" He asks, letting go of my hands and pulling out his phone. My worry slowly floats back as I feel him let go. "Yeah..." I say quietly. He turns back to face me and shoved his phone in his pocket.

"Can you stay a little?" I ask looking back up at him. "I feel safer around you..." His lips form a smile grin and he nods. "Yeah, yeah of course, come on." He says in a quiet tone. The gentle sound of his voice calms me. I hop out of the car and stand by the front for him. He catches up and stands next to me.

"You alright?" He asks still looking down at me. I take a deep breath again, and nod as I hold onto his hand again. How badly I wanted to lock our fingers... how badly I wished he liked me back.

"I'm okay." I finally say as we start walking inside, my heart gradually slowing down. I knew I was holding his hand really tight and it probably hurt, but he just let me. Not even flinching.

We made it to my bedroom and I sat down on the bed, he sat next to me. "I should've listened to you." I say through chattering teeth. I was cold. I don't know why though.

"It's okay, I know it seemed like I was controlling you." He says, looking down at me with a small smile. I close my eyes for a second as my mind slowly stops spinning.

"Can you just lay down with me for a second?" I ask, gently tugging on his arm. He nods and lets go of my hand, laying down on the right side of the bed. I lay in the middle, staring down at the super small, yet massive gap between us. Me and him usually never 'cuddle' because we've always wanted to stay just friends, but I really wanted just to have someone hold me for a while.



"Can- can you hold me?" I ask, afraid he'd get uncomfortable. But to my surprise, he smiled a bit and nodded. "Of course, come here."

He moved inward a little and I moved closer to him until my side touched his. I wrapped one arm over his chest, resting my head below his shoulder a little, part of my leg crossed his, and he lifted my blanket on top of us.

"Is this okay?" He asks, carefully wrapping his arms around my back. I nod and see Louis close his eyes. "Do you wanna talk about it now? Or later?"

I give him a little squeeze. "Later..."

I felt his hand start gently rubbing my back. "That's okay, just relax for right now then okay?" He whispers. It sends a little shudder through me. That whisper voice. I liked it. Sinking into his body, I closed me eyes. I never thought I'd be cuddling with Louis, but here we are. Even if it isn't for the reasons I'd like.

"Your so brave. You know that right?" He whispers once more. I smile a little into his shirt.

"I love you Louis..."

"I love you too."

A/N: Shorter chapter, but still cute :) I had a busy day and I'm gonna try to get some sleep now. and sorry for any spelling errors, I'm tired. Gn loves <3

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