C2: Surprise

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We arrived at the Partridge's house 10 minutes late, and I did start to feel bad stalling time. "Alright we're here." Dad said as he parked the car on their driveway. I unfastened my seatbelt, along with Jaeden and Jack, and we got out of the car. Unlike most days, I haven't seen ALL of the idiots because Issie left for college, and their family has been busy helping her move in and get started.

It's been about a month, to be exact. And finally she was back. With excitement building up by the second, I quickly ran up to the door. It was September 17th and the air had started to cool down a bit, but today was rather warm. The sun was beginning to set. I quickly rang the doorbell, eagerly waiting for them to open it.

"Jeez wait up!" Jack said as he slammed the door and ran over next to me. Pulling down on his jacket. Jaeden trailed behind, obviously excited, but not in a rush.

"AMBER!!" I looked back at the door and saw Louis standing there with a smile and open arms. My face lit up as I saw him. "LOUIS!!" I darted into his arms and he took a step back from the door. It had only been a month, but it's felt like a year since I felt his warm arms around me.

"Nice to see you too Louis." Jack playfully said as Louis let go of me and pulled Jack into a 'bro hug.' I look around at the familiar house, with its gorgeous modern white kitchen, and the warm, fuzzy feeling you get as you breathe in the air. You know how some families have a smell? One that isn't bad but isn't what you'd want in a perfume bottle?

Well the Partridges had a scent of home. Like there's no where else you'd like to be. I noticed Jaeden smile a little as he enters. Millie comes running over shouting our names like a maniac. Millie was a few years younger then me, but I was really close to her as well. "AMBER!!" She quickly ran into a hug as I watched Louis go over to Jaeden.

"Ugh it's been too long." She pulls away and smiles. Millie is one of the prettiest girls ever. She had really big eyes, with long lashes, and long straight brown hair. "I know right?"

I look over her shoulder and see Issie, hurrying over with a face full of joy.



I ran over to her and gave her a hug too. Millie went over to Jack and Jaeden and Louis smiled as he watches me and Issie.

"Oh my goodness I missed you." She says as we sit back for a second. Unlike the other partidges, I haven't seen Issie since the Fourth of July party. She had short brown hair with bangs, and was probably one of the coolest girls I know.

"I missed you two." I give her one more short and quick hug, and then there stood us all, watching the parents hug and talk. The partridges parents were James and Liz. They're my godparents but sometimes they feel like my real ones.

"It's so nice to finally be together again!" Liz exclaims as she hurried over to give us hugs.

We hadn't all been together as a group for a while. Sure us kids have hung out, but our parents have only seen us 1 time since July.
I watched Jaeden give James a short hug and then he moves onto Jack. I smile brightly and make a quick glance to Louis, who was looking at me.

He had a small smile on his lips, and it seemed as if his eyes were in a haze. And in that moment that our eyes locked, a new and strange feeling came over me.

It felt like my stomach did a backflip. Or something fluttered within. My face also felt warm, and I looked away. What was that?

Before I had anytime to really know, my mom clapped her hands once and I flinched again. Her name is Esme Michael. My Dad is Harry Michael. Mom's always been more uptight like Jaeden, but Dad has always been more fun like Jack. I feel like I got a good mix of both.

"You kids are free to go upstairs, we'll call you down for dinner." James said. I nodded and all of us idiots ran across the warm kitchen with pots and pans on the stove, up the stairs to Millie's room.

"Alrighty." She said as she plopped down on the couch in the corner of her large room.

"We've for some catching up to do." Her hands clasp together, and I hop up onto her bed next to Louis. He scoots back a little and I turn around to see him sitting behind me, with a glow in his eyes.

"Can I play with your hair?" He asked, his voice full of innocence and pure happiness. I giggle a little and nod also moving back until I rest my back against his knees, folded upright.

I feel his hands on my hair, and he starts sectioning it into 3. Issie sits down next to Jaeden, who was on the floor, phone in hand. Jack sat next to Millie, and Louis began crossing sections of hair. That was one odd thing that I thought was cute about him. Louis loved to braid hair. He says it's pretty and feels cool. That always makes me giggle.

Every once in a while, his hand would graze my head, neck, or back, and I'd get that same weird feeling in my gut. My cheeks would turn warm and I'd wish I could look away, but I don't wanna ruin his braid.

"Amber what about you? What have you been up to?" Issie asks. I shoot my eyes open and look at everyone watching me. I carefully shrug, making sure I don't bump Louis steady hand.

"Not much... I mean school is same old same old, learning this and that. So not much."

Jaeden looks up from his phone with a confused look in his eyes. "Your kidding right?" He turns off his phone and looks back at Issie.

"She's been spending all her time trying to skateboard. She'll literally go outside at 10 in the morning and come back at 10 at night." I feel Louis hands stop braiding.

"Wait really? I thought you couldn't skate?" I sigh and give a disappointed look at Jaeden. "It was a surprise." Louis drops my hair and I twist around to meet his eyes.

"I wanted to learn so next time we go skating you'd be excited." He smiles brightly and pulls me into a hug. "I don't care when you told me, that's awesome!" I feel a bit better and hug him back. I felt his warm breath on my neck and the gentle feeling of his hand rubbing my back. Out of nowhere, he abruptly pulled away.

"We can go tonight!" He says with excitement. The glee in his eyes making me smile. "But I thought you only had one skateboard?" I said, confused. Louis shakes his head and runs a hand through his long, brown, wavy hair.

"We can take turns!! I wanna watch you."

A hand slips under mine, as it's warm soft feeling gently squeezes. I look down at it and trace it up the arm to Louis. I smile even more. "Okay fine, but don't make fun of me if I fall." I squeeze his hand back.

"No promises." He smirked and I laughed a little before looking back at Jaeden. "I told you I wanted to surprise him." I can tell he feels just a little bad, but he also looks as if holding back a laugh.

"Right, sorry..." He says. I roll my eyes playfully and lean back against Louis legs again, as he continues to play with my hair.

And for some reason, the thought of Louis and I skating, even though we talk about it all the time, gave me butterflies.

What was happening?


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