C23: I Hate You

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Well 5 rolled around slightly faster than I was hoping for. I changed into a slightly nicer outfit and threw my hair into a messy bun. Jack told me to talk to Louis but I'm so scared. The funny part is, when he rephrased what Louis said yesterday, I actually understood and felt like I was being unreasonable. I just didn't realize it when Louis was yelling at me.

Jack finished unpacking everything and changed into a better outfit as well. Jaeden didn't change, but he already looked good so we were all ready. I waited by the front door along with everyone but mum, who was finishing her makeup.

"One second I'm coming!!" She yells from her bathroom, and then scurrying out and over to us. "Everyone ready?" She smiled. "I missed you boys." Mum said as she reached out for a group hug, but no one joined. I felt bad so I gave her a hug. She seems to appreciate it. "Alright come on."

We hopped back in the car and dad started driving to the partridges. The entire time I was rehearsing what I would say to Louis. I wanted to sound smooth and calm. I wanted to fix things. I hate fighting with him.

But I couldn't think of anything. I sounded too unnatural.


Jack I don't know what I should say to him

Amb you just gotta tell him your sorry. Tell him you understand why he's upset and apologize for whatever you may have done to make him feel like he doesn't have freedom. Just be 100% honest.

What if he stays mad and still doesn't talk to me

Then that's his loss not yours

Okay fine thanks

You'll be okay


I set my phone back down and look over at Jack, who throws me a quick wink and then looks back out the window. I took a few deep breaths and continued practicing what I would say. It would be awkward. And hard. But I can't bare being in a fight with Louis.

I felt bad for not telling mum, dad, or Jaeden any of this, but Jack just has something to him that makes me comfortable. Like I can just tell him whatever and he'll listen.

We arrived at the partridges house by 4:56 and now I was really freaking out. What if Louis told his siblings about our fight too? What if he told his parents? Oh shoot. Anyways I got out of the car and bit my tongue as Jaeden and Jack joined me. Walking up to Louis house was scary. Why the heck was I scared?

Jaeden rang the doorbell and then took a step back and waited. Only a few seconds later, Issie appeared in the doorway. She had a smile on her face and big eyes. "Hellooo!" She said, dragging out the 'O'

I gave her a half smile and a quick hug before walking inside. Just as I remember. Warm, beautiful, home-like smell. I see Louis sitting on the couch in the distance, phone in hand, with his elbows on his knees.


Millie comes running over with a big smile and her arms open. She honestly looked so relieved to be home. I again gave her a half smile and hug. But I couldn't focus on her when I saw Louis get up and start walking over.

Oh shoot oh shoot be natural

"Hey!" Louis smiled, giving a hug to Jack and Jaeden. His voice was still kinda raspy but a lot better. When he gets to me, I notice Jack eyeing us. Now that I told him, I knew he'd do everything he can to get us back to friends. Louis smile dropped and he gave me a slight head nod as he took a step away. "Hey." He said. I looked down and bit my lip. I could tell that everyone in the room was confused.

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