C4: Stargazing

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Night began to fall, and we all knew it was around time to go home. But none of us wanted to. It was typical for us to try and let the parents allow us to stay over. Yes I know, we sound like children, but none of us cared.

"Okay take a vote. Raise your hand for Issie." Millie said, as nobody raised a hand. We all sat on the couches, arms in our laps. "Okay then raise for me." No one raised their hand. "Raise for Amber." And just like that, everyone raised their hand.

Louis smirked at me. "I guess it's you then." I rolled my eyes with a small smile. "Well what do I say?" Issie shrugs. "I don't know, just ask?" They always pick me I swear. Ever since we were children it's been like this. Louis used to whisper into everyone's ear to pick me. That little son of a- "come on!! Just ask like you always do."

I stand up and dust off my pants. "Just like ask "can we have a sleepover?" She nods, but I tilt my head. "Don't you think it sounds a little blunt?"

"Well what did you have in mind?" Jaeden says, setting down his phone. "You wanna put on a dance for them or something?" I shake my head and my eyes grow wide. "NO."

He chuckles a little. "Well then that's your option. Now go on."

I sigh and turn around. "Fine."

Putting one foot in front of the other, I start walking up the stairs. I can still hear Louis trying not to laugh. As I approach the living room, the parents are still chattering. I approached my dad and he looked up at me. "Hey you guys?" They all paise their talking and look my way.


"Yes you can stay over." James said. I looked back up at the partridge parents. "But only if you parents are okay with it." I look back at mom and dad and they nod. "We knew it was coming, it was just a matter of when." I smiled but Mom spoke up again. "What about pillows and blankets? Do you need one of us to run home or?" Liz shook her head. "No that's alright we have plenty of supplies for them." I nodded with a grin and looked back out at them all as I started running downstairs. "Thank you so much!"

With a smile pasted on my face, I enter the room with everyone. "What'd they say?" Louis asks, turning around to face me. I nodded and Jack smiled. "Perfect." I skipped back over to Louis and sat down in front of him, as he began to braid my hair once more. "So until then what should we do?" Jaeden asks, sitting upright and placing his hands on his legs.

Millie perked upright but then shrugs and looks down. I notice, and ask her. "Millie did you have something in mind?" She looks over at me and then shakes her head.

"I mean yeah but it's stupid..." Issie shrugs and turns her head to face Millie. "What is it? I mea we're all stupid enough that I don't think we'll care."

Millie purses her lips and sighs. "I wanted to go stargazing... I mean we have a nice view of the city and with the stars above I think it would be pretty..." I smile and stand up as she looks at me. "I like that idea." Louis stands up too, and gives me a short nod.

"Oh! Okay then do you guys wanna go?" Millie says as her and the other two stand. I nod.

"The only setback is that I'm not exactly wearing warm clothes. I stare down at my outfit and then outside to where it was now pretty cold. Louis shrugs. "I can give you my jumper if you need?" I look up at Louis, who's eyes were drawn to mine. "Yeah, thanks." I say and he nods. "Come on let's get ready. You guys should too." He looks back at them all as he grabs my hand and we head to his bedroom.

•   •   •

Once I was all changed, along with Louis and the rest of the idiots, we left to go outside. It was dark. The stars painted a pretty picture as we got down on the grass, and looked up at the sky. Louis rested his head on my lap, his legs stretched down as I sat criss cross. I carefully ran my fingers through his soft and long hair, watching him slowly close his eyes.

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