C18: Other Girls

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News gets around fast. Ever since Layla came, lots of people are talking about her. "The pretty new girl." Or "the heather." And I've been avoiding her at all costs since she started flirting with Louis.

Oh and even better, word got around that Louis and Layla are a thing. Even if it's only been 4 days. I haven't hung out with him, texted him, anything. It hurts. God I hate myself. My head rested on my hand as I awaited my test. Or the "quiz." I couldn't focus at all and I just know that it won't be a good grade. "Alright are you all ready to get the quizzes back?" The teacher asks with a grin as he taps the papers against the table, aligning them straight.

I bit my lip. My mom won't be very happy. "When I call your name, come grab your paper."
Mr Williams begins calling out some names and I sigh. My brain has been a MESS this week. I haven't stopped freaking out over Louis and Layla. It's the most exhausting thing I'be dealt with since me and Noah's breakup. The one thing that's been consuming me. Ugh.


Here goes nothing. I stand up and walk over to his desk, as he hands the paper. I could just tell by the look on his face that he wasn't too happy for me. I took a deep breath and start walking back to my desk. My heart was beating pretty fast and my face felt hot. Anytime I have to walk in front of the class. Even if it's just to grab a pencil or ask a question. I sit back down with the paper flipped facing down. I could sense Layla's eyes on me.

"You nervous?" She smiles with a little giggle. I look over at her and shrug. She sighs and opens her book. She's lucky she didn't have to take the quiz. "Don't be. It's just one quiz. The world won't end." Oh my god. I swear this girl hasn't done anything wrong because she still doesn't know I'm in love with the same boy as her, but still. She was getting under my nerves. Day after day.

"I know." I say bluntly. I see her grimace out of the corner of my eye. Slowly, I turn the paper to see my grade. D.


"Oooh..." I hear her say. "You know what, it's okay. I get bad grades all the time." She sounded like she was trying to be nice and I honestly felt bad. She has no idea. "Thanks... I guess I've just been distracted lately..." I say, closing my eyes. "What is it? You can tell me, I keep secrets." I feel her hand on my shoulder and my eyes shoot back open. With a sigh, I sit back in my seat and shrug.

"Boy problems."

She lets go of my shoulder and nods. "Why? Who's hurting you girly?" God she was just too nice sometimes for me to hate her.

I'm in love with Louis and I had so many chances to get with him, but then you showed up. You didn't do anything wrong but I hate you because you started flirting with him and it hurts me to see him do that with other girls. I'm distracted because I miss being with him, and laughing over the stupidest things. It's only been about a week but it feels like years. Please please please back away so I can kiss him and hold him in my arms and say I'm sorry 1000 times and be his girlfriend. Yeah sis. We like the same boy.

"Just... I don't know. It's hard to explain." I say, lying about everything. I see her nod and sit back in her chair, looking forward. "That's okay, but if you do need to talk about it, text me." She slides a paper over with a number on it, and it was that moment I realized she'd been writing it down. Taking the piece of paper, I forced a smile. "Thank you..."

"No problem."

• • •

School was long, and boring as always, but I made it. And as always, I waited by Louis locker to see if he was hanging with Layla again. I just wanted to be with him.
My backpack was thrown over my shoulder and I leaned against the door until I saw him approaching. "Hey..." I say as he walks up to the locker and I step out of the way. "She asked me to hang again." He says, opening the door. I sigh and roll my eyes. "Louis you've hung with her everyday this week."

"I know I know but she's new, and I think she's happy to already have made friends. I could ask her if you could come?"

He asks, closing the locker and facing me. "No... never mind it doesn't matter." I say turning around and walking away. "Wait Amber!" I hear him call, as he carefully reaches for my wrist and pulls me back. "I'll call off plans with her? I honestly miss hanging with you too."

He says. I shake my head and close my eyes. "Louis I'm not gonna stop you from hanging with her just because of my jeal- er just cause of me." Louis slowly lets go of my wrist and tilts his head just a bit. "Your... jealous? Is that why you act different around her?"

"No Louis I said because of me, not jealousy, now just go hang with miss perfect. I'll stay home."

I turn around again and finally walk outside. God why? Why did she have to be here? Why did Mr Williams place her next to me? Why did she wanna sit by me at lunch? It's not fair. She just struts in here and takes him from me after 17 years.

I can practically hear the silence that lays between me and Louis as I walk away. I knew he felt bad. But I can't be the reason he doesn't get to have other lady friends.

London had just started snowing more often, but still not all the time. I never know which bottoms of my uniform to wear, because the weather in unpredictable. Today was pretty cold, but the sun was out and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. I made it to my car and quickly turned on the heater. After putting my keys in, I drove home as fast as I could. Without speeding of course.

The best part of my day is the time I get at home. When mom and dad are still working. Usually Jack would join me after around 30 minutes, but he's flying back home tomorrow. So I really need to enjoy today. However I wish I wasn't enjoying it alone.

Once I made it home, I parked the car and hopped out, grabbing my bag and shutting the door. This week has been draining. Watching Louis get closer with Layla, being distracted, not focusing, heck I can't remember the last time I really ate.

The second I got into my bedroom, I collapsed onto the bed, and laid with my face dug into the pillow, my arms flopped by my side. I had a feeling this is how I'd spend the rest of my day.

That is, until around 5 minutes later I heard the door ring. But I was confused. Did Jack come home early? Jaeden decided to come for the weekend? Mom and dad got out of work? I trudged off my bed and down the stairs. I reached for the door handle and to my surprise, when I opened it I saw Louis. His head perked up as he saw me.

"Sorry... but I really did mean it when I said I missed hanging out with you." He said, scratching the back of his neck and looking down. "What about Layla? Louis I said I don't wanna stop you from hanging with other girls."

He shrugged and a super tiny grin came across his face. "I know... but it's been almost a week with other people and it's more fun with you."
He dropped him arm and placed it behind his back. "So... can I come in?" His eyes looked like a puppies. Pleading and pouting. I couldn't help it. I sighed and let out a little smile. "Fine."

He giggled a little and stepped inside, with his arms open for a hug. I opened mine too and soon enough I found myself in a hug. One I needed. I twisted my head to it rested on his shoulder, and I felt his hand gently rub my back. "I'm sorry... if you wanted to be alone today, but you asked if I could hang out so I just thought..."

"No yeah I get it, don't worry I'm glad you came." And I was. I was happy he chose me over Layla. It gives me a little bit of hope you know?

"So what do you wanna do?" I asked, stepping away and looking up at his perfect face. He shrugs and just studies my eyes. "Nothing in mind." I sigh and roll my eyes playfully. "You know that doesn't help anything." He smiles and pouts out his bottom lip for a second. "Well what? Do you have something in mind?"

I shrug. "You wanna just start driving and see where it takes us?" I ask with a little smirk. Me and Louis occasionally just drive and get lost, go into random stores and do the stupidest stuff ever. He nods. "Sure, it's been a while since we've done something dumb." I look down and slip my hand into his. "So let's go be idiots then."

He smiled brightly and nodded. I let go of his hand and quickly threw on my coat, and grabbed out a carhartt hat. I slipped on some mittens and then re-grasped his hand.



Sorry for any spelling errors!!

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