C16: Eye Contact

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Disclaimer: Swearing

I heard the water stop from upstairs, and quickly sat up, removing my vision from the ceiling. I hadn't stopped thinking about what Millie or Jack said. Louis likes me back. HOLY SHIT HE LIKES ME BACK. I shoved my face in the pillow, my smile wider than ever. I squealed a little bit and hugged the pillow.

I felt a rush of happiness, yet also sadness. Now that I knew we both had feelings, I had to hide it? Ugh.

I heard his footsteps as he walked downstairs and I quickly pulled out my phone, to look like I hadn't just been obsessing over the thought of him. I quickly opened TikTok and started watching until the door opened. Louis was wearing some joggers, and a necklace... but no shirt.

Oh dear lord my heart is going crazy. His messy, wet hair flopped in front of his eyes and he smiled as he hopped in bed next to me. "I'm back!" He said laying on his back and his hands clasped over his chest. I bit my lip and took a deep breath. "So..." he began, "did you figure it out?" He smiled as closed his eyes. I took that second to turn my head and admire him.

His strong muscles covering his skin. His perfect jawline surrounding his face. And his hands, with veins running down. You know the saying "nobody's perfect?"
I could never disagree more. Because Louis exists.

"I... I don't know." I swallowed and he opened his eyes, turning to me. I could tell he was trying not to giggle a little. "God Amber your so slow." He let it out. I stifled a laugh. I knew damn well what it meant, but I wanted to hear him say it.

I watched him take a deep breath and then a hand slid under mine. No fingers locked, but his thumb rubbed mine. I closed my eyes and just laid there. "I-"

Louis began but paused and swallowed. "I like you Amber. More than just in a friend way. I like you like... like I want to kiss you. And hold you in my arms. Protect you and care for you. I want to be yours."

I could feel his hands gently shaking. Just barely. I smiled a little and gave it a little squeeze. His head turned to mine and his eyes had a sense of panic.

"Louis it's okay." I giggle a little bit and I see him relax. He sinks back into the bed and I sneakily move a little closer. "I have something to say as well..." I say, turning on my side to face him.

"I like you too..." I lean forward and give him a kiss on the cheek. "But I'm not ready for a relationship just yet..." I say as his face turns pink. He smiles and turns on his side too. "That's okay," he smirks, "because now I get to make you go crazy over me." He says, chuckling a little as I give him a shove.

"Bitch." I mumble under my breath, as he laughs a little louder. I knew Louis, and I knew he wasn't lying. He will literally make be go absolutely insane over him. He's good at that stuff.

After a lot of laughing, he had calmed down and was just staring at me. Literally. I stared back. Just looking into each other's eyes. Neither one of us saying anything.

"You look really pretty..." He whispers as his smile becomes bigger. I feel my heart flutter and I roll my eyes. "I see your already beginning." He chuckles a bit. "Maybe..."

His hand runs by my face, pushing a few strands away, but then it just sits there. His hand on my cheek, thumb running up and down. He looked at my eyes with a fascination too pure to describe. And we just laid there. Again.

It was just 9 pm. On a Saturday. And I was laying next to my best friend, as we look into each others eyes, only a few inches away. His hand on my face.

Kiss him.

But not yet. I still can't do it.

Kiss him.

But I-

Kiss him.

And so I did. Leaning forward, I pressed my lips to his and put my hand on his back. His eyes closed and I felt his soft lips against mine. His warm breath on my face. But it only lasted what felt like a second before I pulled away and sat up. My mind was spinning. I kissed him.

"Woah woah you okay?" He shot up with me, setting a hand on my back. I shook my head and closed my eyes as I wiped my lips with my sleeve. And then again. And again. Louis hand dropped from my back as I stood up.

"Oh shit." He mumbled as he stood up too. "Amber look I- I'm sorry I shouldn't have-"

"No, Louis I kissed you." I said, not making eye contact. I could hear his sigh. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

I shake my head.

"Just," I finally turn around to face him, "please... know that it didn't mean anything. At least not yet. We aren't dating right?"

Louis nodded as he put a hand on my shoulder. "No! No no no we're not dating, come here." He gently pulls on my shoulder until I sit next to him on the edge of my bed. He started talking a couple deep breaths and for some reason I found myself doing the same.

"Amber you know it's okay right? I know your still trying to figure this all out... with your feelings for me and us, but I don't care how long it takes okay? I'm not making you do anything. I'll help you get things sorted out."

Louis took his hand off my shoulder and looked down. I bit my tongue. "I'm a terrible person."

I feel my eyes water a little. Louis head perks back up and he shakes his head. "What? No! Amber you are just someone who has a tough past, that's all! Noah fucked things up and now you just struggle with love. It's okay, trust me!!"

I turn my head to face him as a few tears fall down my cheek. "But I know I like you, and I know you like me. And I keep doing things like this! Things that are playing with your feelings and messing everything up! Louis I want to date you, I do!! I don't know what's stopping me but it hurts."

I cry a little as Louis wraps his arms around me and just holds me close. His hand rubs my back up and down. "Amber it's okay... I'm not angry." He rests his chin on the top of my head as I burry mine int his chest.

"Hey..." he pulls away and smiles. "Do you wanna watch a movie instead? Or a show? It'll make you feel better?"

I smile too and nod. He always knows how to cheer me up I swear. Sometimes it's annoying how he can do it.

"Alright, come on." He said, standing up with his hand in mine as we walked out to the TV.

As much as that kiss hurt me, and worried me,

I want to kiss him again.

Sorry for any spelling errors!
I Fr cannot with Amber like girl is living my dream and has the audacity to not date Louis...
I can't with her🙄✋🏻

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