C27: Issie

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I got back home from school, with my mind literally spinning from holding back tears. I got out of the car and took a few steps to the door and opened it. Jaeden was home.

"Oh hi Amber." He waved. I raised an eyebrow and took a short step back. "I don't have school until Wednesday. College is off so I stayed here. I'm going back tomorrow night." I sighed and nodded, taking my shoes off and not saying anything. "Why aren't you talking?" Jaeden asked, sounding a little annoyed and throwing a crisp in his mouth as he walked over.

I shrugged and quickly ran downstairs to my bedroom, with my phone in hand. I could hear Jaeden following me. "Amber what is it?" I quickly made it to my bed and flopped onto it, pulling out my phone. I opened snapchat and decided to respond to some people, when I saw a new video from Layla.

Hey Amberrr

She had her around around Louis neck and she was playing with his hair.

It's Layla, and I just wanna say thank you so much for getting Louis to ask me out. I'm so happy and excited and ugh your so cute.

She said, looking down at Louis and kissing him on the lips for a long time. I wanted to look away but my eyes felt glued to the video. Tears began to form. I could see Louis looked a little upset in the video. I'm sure Layla forced him into making it or something because Louis knows I like him and wouldn't purposely take a video of him kissing her to make me jealous.

But yeah so we're so thankful for you, and I can't wait to cuddle and kiss him all day. Love you bestie! Byeeee!

The video ended but my eyes were still stuck on the screen. "Amber who was that? On your video?" Jaeden asked as he took a few steps inside my room. I didn't speak. I just dropped my head into my sheets and cried. It was a quiet one, but all the tears I had been saving came flooding out.

Jaeden sat down in my chair and didn't say anything.

"He's gone." I said, keeping my head mashed in the bed. "He's dating her."
I picked my head up for a split second to see Jaeden, a little surprised as he realized what I was talking about.

"Louis... Louis gone?" He asked, looking down.

"Yeah. He's dating Layla now." I cried and took a quick breath. Jaeden went silent for a minute. My crying did too. It was quiet.

"I like this girl..." Jaeden began, as I picked my head up for a second. "I've liked her since... well since forever. But especially recently." He said, scratching the back of his neck.

"She's such a good person... and she's so pretty. She's my age, and we actually go to the same college." I nodded, now wanting to hear what he was gonna say. "We started to get closer, and I caught even deeper feelings for her. I think she did too because we actually almost kissed but... I was scared. Scared it would ruin our friendship. Scared we'd breakup and would never be the same. Scared of getting heartbroken."

I looked down. It sounded like me.

"And I told her. I said 'I'm in love with you, but I'm so scared.' She seemed to understand and told me it was alright. And it was for a while... until around 3 months ago. She started talking with a guy. A guy who was ready to love her, and was ready to care for her."

Jaeden seemed to have the exact same story as me.

"And I wanted her to be happy. So I told her she should date him. And that's what she did. She and him have been together for 3 months now. But I still am in love with her. Her short dark brown hair. Her cute bangs... teal eyes, tall structure. She's perfect."

I looked up at him, and he was looking at me. I felt my eyes grow wide.

"You like Issie?"

A long pause of silence filled the air, until he nodded.

"I'm in love with Issie."

I felt my mind whirring and I was shocked. He had feelings for Issie... no wonder he's happy when he's around her!

"Jaeden we have the exact same story though... don't you think it's kind of creepy?"

He shakes his head and looks down. "I think it's perfect. Because I know exactly how you feel right now. And I know a lot of people say that but for real... like I know you'd exact emotion because it's the same thing I did when I told her to date him."

Holy shit.

"Yeah... yeah it fucking sucks." He giggled a little and I did too. "But you just gotta be strong and wait it out to see if they last... and if they do then it just means they weren't your person."

"But I want Louis to be my person."

"And I want Issie to be mine. But you can't destroy relationships because of jealousy. You just have to work it out."

I nodded and hopped off the bed and over to my chair, where I just hugged Jaeden.

He never. Ever. Ever. Ever. Hugs me.

But this time he did. He was warm and squeezed me a little bit. "Now you really want to know what will make Louis want you back?" He asked as I pulled away.

I shook my head.

"Well no guy is gonna want a cryer. So whenever your around him, suck it up and don't even let your sadness show. And act like yourself. Be happy and funny and wild. You know Louis likes it when you guys mess around. So just act like you have forever. Act like his best friend, and occasionally flirt just a little bit. Never too much though. Just be patient."

I smirk a little. "Jeez you know a lot about this... kinda makes me wonder..."

Jaeden rolls his eyes. "Shut up Amber."

I smile. "Thank you though. Honestly."

He nods and stands up to leave. "And if that Layla girl ever tries to make your jealous, just go along with it. Don't give her what she wants."

I nod and wave as he leaves. How the hell did Jaeden Michael. JAEDEN MICHAEL just stop my crying and make me feel better.

Maybe he isnt as bad as I thought.

Maybe the only reason he eggs me on is because he's heartbroken too.

I shrugged and wiped away my final tears.

I just gotta be happy.


Sorry for any spelling errors

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