C42: My Purpose

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Ngl I'm jealous of that little girl😭✋🏻

I knocked on the door 3 times before Louis opened it. His face went pink and he looked at my outfit, then at my face. "Woah I-"

He swallows and raises his eyebrows and then drops them again. "You look really really good..."

I smile a little and look over his shoulder, seeing Millie appear around the corner in the most adorable outfit ever and her hair back in a messy bun wig little natural strands flowing out.

"Jack!!" She smiled, running over as Jack stepped inside. Louis moved out of the way and watched as Millie jumped up into Jacks arms and he hugged her. Only after a second she pecks his lips. I watch Louis smile fade a little as he looks down and then glances up at me.

I think we both wished we were doing the same. Or at least I sure do. Millie let's go and moves over to me where she gives a short hug. "Mills you look so good!" I say, putting my hands on her shoulders and looking down at her outfit.

She smiles a little and looks at mine. "Shut up where did you get this?" She points to my shirt and I shrug. "It was a birthday gift."

"Ugh if you ever find out tell me because it's so cute." She says, and then walks back over to Jack and holds his hand, locking their fingers.

At the same time, Louis hand brushes mine and he quickly pulls it away. "Oh sorry I didn't mean to-"

I cut him off and grab onto his hand, not quite lacing our fingers but rather rubbing the back of his hand with my thumb. I give him a little grin and take my other hand, holding onto his arm.

I can see his little smile and even feel his pulse. His heart was beating fast. Little baby was nervous.

My mum and dad followed Liz and James into the sitting room. Millie looked down at me and Louis hands and then looked up to my eyes and did that double eyebrow raise. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"So you two dating yet?" She asked, smirking at her brother. I gently and slowly loosen my grip on Louis hand as he does too, until we let go.

"No... w-why would we?" I ask, trying to sound normal. Millie chuckles a little as she looks at Jack.

"Oh I don't know..." she looks back.

"Maybe just the fact that you both are in love with each other and literally have no reason at all to stay friends? Admit it. All you wanna do is be together."

I feel my face burn up. Play it cool.

"And what about it?"

Jack scoffs and him and Millie start running downstairs like children on a sugar high. "Just get together already!" Jack calls out.

I turn to Louis and watch his cheeks turn blood red. His bruise was super faded and I didn't really even notice it anymore. It was funny watching him get flustered.

He cannot hide it well.

"Lou it's okay, don't listen to them. They're kids."

His stifles a laugh. "Haha! Uh yeah... right."

I roll my eyes and give him a kiss on the cheek. "Don't be so tense. Let's go have some fun."

I throw an arm around his back and run downstairs, pulling him with me.

Wait for a better time. Or maybe I should wait for him to make a move.

Just to see if he has the guts.

• • •

"GET UP GET UP GET UP!!" Jack screamed at the TV after Millie knocked out his wii character in boxing.

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