C43: Butterflies

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I RLLY like how he looks in this picture😻

Louis kissed me. I kissed him. He's my boyfriend. I'm his girlfriend. OH MY GOD FINALLY.

We finished off my cuddling under the stars. I had my arm wrapped around his torso, and my leg thrown over his waist. I layer my head on his chest and he played with my hair. Occasionally we'd talk about something but we also just laid there quietly. Feeling lucky as ever.

Louis reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, checking the time.

"You wanna head back inside?"

I shrugged and lifted my head up, looking at him. Louis smiled and leaned down to kiss me once on the lips, and then put his phone back.

"I think we should. It's 11 and Jack and Millie are probably wondering where we are." Louis pulled me up on top of him and wrapped his arms over me. "But if you really any to stay, I guess we can be out here a little more."

I rest my chin on his chest so my eyes were on his. I slide and hand through his hair and smile a little bit. I peck his cheek and sit up.

"It's okay, we probably should go inside." I mumbled and then yawned.
It was honestly pretty chilly and Louis nose and cheeks were really cold. It was cute.

I got up, and held out my hands to help Louis up. He smiled a little bit and then grabbed on, and got up too. I was honestly really tired and rested my head on Louis shoulder. He giggled a bit and kissed the top of my head. "Come on stupid." He said, stepping in front of me as I put my arms over his shoulders.

Louis grabbed my legs and lifted me up. I laid my head by his neck and Louis carried me inside on his back. This.

This is exactly how I wanted to end my year.

• • •

Next thing I know, I was laying in bed with Louis gently rubbing my cheek with his thumb. "Amber..." he whispered, smiling and laying down next to me. "Did you not get my Snapchat you idiot?"

I sigh and rub my eyes as Louis wrap an arm around my waist and pulls me closer. "You fell asleep." He sighs, closing his eyes and pecking my lips.

"WHAT!?" I yell, sitting up quickly. Louis eyes shoot open and he nearly falls off the edge of the bed.

"Woah woah woah Amber it's fine it's only 11:30!" He says, giggling a bit, and placing a hand on my back.

"Oh god I thought I slept through the new year!" I said putting a hand up to my forehead. Louis laughs and shakes his head, looking at me and smiling.

I raise an eyebrow. "What do you mean your Snapchat?" I say, looking back at him.

He smiles and looks down. I give him a skeptical look and then reach for my phone, which was on the nightstand behind him.

I giggle a little and then look up at him and his messy hair

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I giggle a little and then look up at him and his messy hair. I ruffle a hand through it, and then settle at the back of his neck, pulling him closer until we kiss. And I kiss him for a long time.

Now that I had him I feel like I wanted to make up for all the times that I didn't kiss him. His hand went to the side of my face and his other, around my back.

I love this boy so much.

He gently pulled away and caught my eyes, smiling a bit and leaning in for a second, only this time, carefully laying me down on the bed and kissing from the top. I smiled a little as I felt his lips. Soft, full, and pink. Louis a really good kisser.

I pulled away for a moment. "Louis come one we have to get ready for the ball drop!" I say, placing a hand on his chest and watching his eyes look at my lips.

"Ugh I know... sorry I'm just so happy that I finally get to do this with you."

He slowly sits back up, allowing me to smile a bit more and grab onto his hand, lacing our fingers. "I do too. And we can, but let's get ready baby-"

I slap a hand over my mouth and Louis eyes grow really wide, along with his smile.

"What was that?" He teases, leaning closer to me until I can feel his warm breath on my neck. It sends shivers down my spine.

"Let's go get ready Louis?"

He shakes his head and his nose accidentally brushes mine. "You said baby."

I swallow and look deep into his perfect eyes. "Did not..." I say in a quiet whisper.

He giggles a bit until our lips graze onto one another. "You did. And I like that." He kissed me again. And again. And again.

I shake my head and quickly pull away. "Okay let's be serious now. Come get ready with me. Do you have like a nice jumper or something?"

I ask, standing up and heading to his closet. Louis looks down and sucks both his lips in, then out to make a pop noise as he says "yup but I'm not wearing it."

I turn to him and shake my head. "Your really just gonna wear that?" He frowns and looks up at me.

"I'm sorry... BABY." He giggles a bit and I roll my eyes, playfully running back over and giving him a gentle shove.

"What? Millie and Jack say it?" He asks, falling back on his bed and staring at the ceiling. I look down at him and then walk back to the closet. "I know... it's just gonna take some getting used to."

He nods a little and closes his eyes as a grin approaches his lips. "Wanna hear a secret?" He asks as if we were fifth graders again. I stop rummaging through his closet and turn to look at him.

"What's that?" I ask laying down a nice shirt and then sitting next to him, rubbing the back of his hand. I watch as Louis takes a really big deep breath in and re-adjusts himself.

"You did I again you loser." He pouts while smiling. I giggle and stare down at him. "What did I do Lou?"

He lightly bites his lip and then opens his eyes to meet mine. "You gave me butterflies. And the secret is that you always have. And you do it so easily." He complains, giggling a little and squeezing my hand.

I smirk. "So you mean I could give you butterflies even if I just..."

I lean down and gently kiss his lips, watching him close his eyes again.

"Like that?" I ask, as he opens his eyes."

"Yeah. Like that. In fact you don't even have to kiss me to make me fall harder for you."

I smile and lay next to him.

"You don't even have to do anything. My butterflies come from just knowing that I get to have you in my life."

Sorry for any spelling errors!

Is a relationship like theirs too much to ask😭✋🏻

Like I just want SOMEONE. ANYONE.

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