C9: When Mistakes are Made

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Disclaimer: Swearing


It's been a while. Noah said he'd hurry back, but it's taken too long. "Can you hold this Lou?" I ask, holding out an arm to my best friend. He sees the worry in me. "Yeah sure... everything alright?" I nod. But nothing was alright. It had been 30 minutes since Noah told me he had to use the bathroom. I'll just check up on him.
Leaving behind Louis and the idiots, I headed away from the party, to the bathroom. The door was open. No one was inside. I felt my heart shrivel a little. Shit.
I turn the corner to the backyard, where a few people sat, watching the movie projected onto the large sheet.
Scanning all the people, Noah was still nowhere. Shit. The house had an upstairs, but it was "off limits" toward guests. I really hope Noah's not up there.
I quickly dash up the stairs before anyone could see me. My heart was racing. I felt light headed. Why would he be up here?
I started walking down the hall, twisting the doors handles and opening, to which no one was inside. Did he leave me? Did he go away? Where the hell was my boyfriend?
And then a I heard it. The faint sound of kissing. My heart dropped. Placing one foot in front of the other, I cautiously leaned an ear to the last door in the hall.
"Shh keep it down, my girlfriends probably looking for me."
"Okay okay sorry, I just can't help it."
Heart tearing.
Mind running loose.
I slam open the door, to see my boyfriend and a strange girl I had never seen before. Lying on top of each other, snogging like it's the last time they will.
"Oh fuck." Noah says, as he jumps off of her. "Shit Amber just listen-"
"NO." I take a step away from the door. He takes a step closer.
And I run. My heart broke. It locked. He took the key. I sprinted down the stairs and the noise of the party made me dizzy.
"Amber! Amber what's wrong?!?!" A voice called out. I couldn't put a name it it, but the voice was someone I loved. Trusted. Someone who cared for me. And yet I still ran past it. Running out of the house to the garden bushes where I hid. Curled up in a ball. Crying my eyes out. Trying to erase the image. But I couldn't. It went blurry. There was a ring in my ear. I couldn't take it.
"Amber!!" That same voice came running after me, crouching in front. I released my tears and collapsed into their arms.
"Woah woah what happened?"  The voices arms wrapped around my aching body. I couldn't talk. I just cried. And cried. I knew it would be the last time I fell in love.
"Amber calm down, shh shh shh." The voice lifted my head to meet it's eyes. "Here take a deep breath with me, come on."  The voices hands were on my cheeks, and I heard it's gentle breath.
I did as it said, and slowly my vision came back. Louis. I lunged forward into his arms, and burrowed my head into his neck.
"Your okay, I've got you."
His hands held me closely.
"Your safe."

I began to panic. Opening my eyes, feeling Louis breath against my neck as his lips just barely grazed mine. I pulled away harshly, looking at him with fear. "Noah..." I say in a small huff, out of breath from the worry.

Louis opens his eyes and quickly pulls away, with a 'oh no' look in his eyes. He realized what he did. "Amber wait-"

I shook my head and stood up off the ground, frantically shoving the papers back into my bag. My heart wouldn't let this happen. I knew it. "Amber no please I'm sorry I didn't mean to!" Louis says, scrambling onto his feet.

"No no please! Fuck. Damn it just- listen I'm sorry!"

I grab my bag and throw it over my shoulder as I run up the stairs, trying not to cry. I can't. I can't fall in love. I can't kiss the only person that I trust. This can't be happening.

"Amber wait!" I feel his hand grab my wrist super cautiously and I turn around. I almost kissed him. He looked super worried. "Listen I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking! I know your not ready yet and I know it was wrong and I'm sorry, I just-"

He pauses and looks down at himself holding my wrist. "Never mind it's not important, just please stay here for a second so I can work things out for you." He lets go of me and looks down. "Please... set the bag down." I stare down too, and take a deep breath. My eyes were on the verge of letting out all the tears. "I'm not ready." I say and one drops. Louis squeezes his eyes shut. "I know... and I'm sorry... just please come back down here, and I won't do that again I promise."

I swallow hard and carefully set my school bag down again. I don't say anything. I just carefully take a step down next to him. He looks at me and the tears in my eyes. "Can I have a hug? It means nothing okay? This is just me trying to comfort you and say I'm sorry."

I look up into his eyes and see his heart break when he notices my tears. And then I gently slide my arms around him. Resting my ear my his chest, heading a gentle thump. I can't help but let me tears fall. They soak into his shirt, but he doesn't do anything. He just stays like that. "I'm so sorry Amber. I wasn't thinking. I know you aren't ready I promise, I was just being fucking stupid. And I don't have feelings for you, I just was caught up in the moment. Please forgive me."

I pull him even closer to me, like it's the last time I'd hug him. "I'm so sorry." He whispers into my ear. It calms me. I take a deep breath and release from his hug.

"Louis that was my fault. I moved in first. My heart was controlling me, not my mind. I'm sorry if I just played with your feelings, I didn't mean too, it's just that- I remember the night. And how bad it hurt and I just can't do that again." Louis nodded. His hands were behind his back and mine were hanging low. I felt bad.

"It's not your fault that some dick named Noah hurt you Amber." He said and I let out a little chuckle.

"Louis you never swear..." I say

"I know... sorry I just got scared that I ruined our friendship."

I shake my head and pull him into another hug. It was awkward between us, but at least I knew for sure now, that neither of us had feelings for each other.

I think.

Sorry for any spelling errors!!

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