C6: New Boy

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The harsh sound of my alarm goes off early next morning. I wrap my head in my blanket, trying to block out the noise, but it remains. With an eye roll and a scoff, I sit up but my heart stops as a dark shadow turns it off for me. I clutch my heart as if it just stopped beating, and rub my eyes a bit.

Jaeden stood there, with his pajamas covering him, and his finger on the snooze button. "You do know that covering your ears isn't gonna make it go away?" He says, taking his finger away. I bite my upper lip and hop out of bed. "Yes Jae I am 100% aware of that." I snake around him and head to my dresser where my folded uniform pieces sat.

I turned back, with the clothes in my hands, and Jaeden still stands there. "What, do you wanna see me change or something?" I say sarcastically as I wave a hand in the direction of my door. Jaeden turns to leave with a middle finger shoved in my face.

I sigh and quickly change into my outfit. A skirt, and a short, sleek suit. After that, I head into the bathroom, where all my beauty products lay. I grab my hairbrush and fix the rats nest on top of my head. Pulling out at least 10 strands with each swipe.

I do my skincare and brush my teeth, and take one last look at myself. I try not to wear makeup very often, but I felt like trying something new today. I grabbed a tube of mascara that had been untouched, and quickly do some swipes on my lashes. It looks nice.

Hair, check

Skin, check

Teeth, check

Uniform, check

I'm ready. I reach for my school bag next to my bed, and then hurry downstairs for some breakfast before leaving. I grab my favorite, crunchy nut cereal (wink wink to the "promise" readers ;).

"Good morning Amber." Mum says, as she walks into the kitchen with her nurse outfit on and ready. My mum works at the cities doctors office, and works with children. She's that evil lady that would give you flu shots and make your parents tie you down as a kid to do so. Yeah... thats her.

"Morning mum." I say as I shove my face with cereal as I scroll through my phone. She writes a little post it note on the fridge for Jack, because he always forgets to pack a lunch. "So are you ready to show the new student around?" I nearly choke on my cereal. "I completely forgot!" I stuttered, shoving the rest of the cereal down my throat.

Mum turns to look at me. "Well good thing I caught you because you need to be there 15 minutes early. I nearly choke again, and give up on trying to eat the breakfast. "Wait what?"

She nods and gives me a small shrug. "Well you want to have time to show him around right?" I quickly place the rest of the food by the sink. "Right. Well I have to go then." I toss my bag over my shoulder and bolt out the door. "Love you mum! Bye!" I say as I hear a faint 'bye' in return.

•   •   •

I  make it to school and dart to the principal's office, where a boy with straight black hair stands. He was quite taller than me, and furrowed brows as I entered. "I'm so sorry I'm a little late!" I say to the front desk lady, as she nods. "You're lucky. One minute later and you would have been 5 minutes late which counts as a tardy mark." I take a deep breath from running and close my eyes. "Yes m'am, sorry."

The lady shrugs and stands. "Well this is Chase. He's new here. Chase, Amber. Amber, Chase."

I turn to meet his deep brown eyes, and delicately freckled skin. A little smile crosses his full lips and he brushes a few strands of hair out of his face. "Hi."

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