C10: Pear Tree

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The next few weeks with Louis were better. I do have feelings for him, I know it. But I have more feelings toward Chase and my fear of being broken hearted keeps preventing me from telling him. In fact, any sign of love worries me. It's why I pulled away when me and Louis were about to kiss... well that and the fact that we're best friends. But he's been a lot more careful when around me, making sure he doesn't do anything that might cause me to worry. But he's struggling with Chase. He really doesn't like him.

Louis sits across from me now, forcing Chase to sit beside me so he can't "drop his pencil" or "see something under the table."

I feel safe when Louis tries to protect me. I feel like someone understands. But for some reason, when he said he promises he doesn't have feelings for me, it hurt.

My entire love life is just a mess right now. It's my brain vs my heart. My brain says "you like Chase. He's funny. He likes you. You like Chase. Chase. Chase chase chase."
But my heart says "Your in love with Louis. You know it. You want to kiss him. You know it. You want to date him. Your in love with him and safer with him. But he said he doesn't like you back."

You know that saying "follow your heart?" And how when all is wrong your supposed to follow it? But what if it manipulates you? Tells you to do something, but freaks out when you actually do it. Because all I want is to be with Louis. But every time we get close, or I'm almost there, it switches up and says 'no.' Then why would I follow it?

Louis drove me to school today, we've been hanging out a lot more. I still miss our whole group though. Issie and Jaeden are back at college, and Millie and Jack left for a school trip to Spain about 6 days ago. It was literally just me and Louis.

"You ready for the biology test?" Louis says, as he walks me inside. The air starting to get cold as November rolled around, and we were expecting snow this weekend. "I guess so." I grimaced at the thought of a test. "Want me to quiz you?" He asked looking down at me. I gave him a little shove. "I don't need help you loser." He chuckled and we walked inside the building.

Chase was waiting there, his dark hair covering over his eyes as he waved. I skip away from Louis and over to Chase. "Hi" I cheer as I stand next to him. Louis bites his bottom lip as he approaches us. "Hey man how you doing?" Chase asks, and I feel his wrap his arm around my waist. I look down at it and then back up at Louis. I felt uncomfortable. Like super uncomfortable. His fingers pressed down by my lower stomach, and were constantly moving inward and downward. Chase's hand just didn't belong there.

Louis seemed to notice my expression, because he quickly asked, "Amber do you wanna come with me to grab some things from my locker?"

Relieved that he said something, I quickly pulled away from his grip, and followed Louis, waving at Chase. I like him, but sometimes he just can't control himself. Louis made it to his locker and opened it to seem like he actually needed something. "Are you okay?" He asked, crouching down a little. I crossed my arms a took a deep breath. "I'm absolutely fine." I say, trying not to make eye contact.

He shakes his head. "No, I can tell your not." I roll my eyes a little. "Okay I didn't LIKE that his hand was there but it's fine." Louis sighed. He told me he'd try to be less controlling but I can tell it's taking a toll on him.

"Okay fine. But if you are uncomfy, then you have to be honest Amber okay?"

I nod, and turn around. I know he's just trying to protect me, but sometimes it feels like he's being my father. Telling me what to do. But I guess I understand.

I walk back up to Chase, Louis following behind me. I cared for them both. But which of them cared for me? Easy. Louis. Which one treats me better? Easy. Louis. But which one likes me back? Wishing it was reversed, I thought Chase.

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