C31: Say It

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Disclaimer: Physical fighting

Louis POV

Today is December 23rd. And we usually spend it with the Michaels, because Christmas and Christmas Day are for family. But something else happened. Layla asked me to spend today with her. She wants to watch Christmas movies all night and cuddle. And I mean I'd like to go... but us idiots usually spend today going downtown London and looking at all the lights. And then we go to a bakery and watch the stars all night.

And we don't tell the parents. We just go. It's our tradition and they don't know about it. So spending today with Layla wasn't exactly what I wanted. But I also need to talk to her about what happened. On Friday.

I'm staring at my ceiling, and throwing a softball up and down. It's the softball Amber used at her first game. I chuckled at the memory of her swinging the bat and missing. 7 times. She was young so they let her keep going. That was back when life was simple. No relationships, no feelings for each other, no drama. No Layla.

My phone began buzzing like crazy and I opened my texts.


Pls come over🥺🥺
I really need to talk to you
And show you something.
It's really important.


Come over. It's an emergency.

Why can't you just tell me

You have to see

Fine. Be there soon.


Now that I think about it, I don't wanna go to Layla's. But she said she really needed to show me something. But I swear if she does another something inappropriate, I'll be livid.

I turn off my phone and sigh as I sit up. Putting a hand to my head. I have a small headache. I'm sure Layla's gonna make it 10x worse whereas Amber would make it go away.

"Mum I'm going to Layla's house. I'll be back soon!" I call, grabbing my car keys and coat. London was supposed to get a snowfall tonight. A gentle one. Those are my favorites. When there's no winds. Just the snow carefully falling from the sky.

"Okay, be careful honey. If she does anything you come home."

"I know mum, bye!"

Telling mum and dad about what Layla did was hard, but it's only fair if they know. I walk outside and it's really cold, but I honestly didn't really care. I just wanted to go to Layla's, get it over with and come back to get ready for whoever's house I'm going to tonight.

• • •

Once I got to Layla's, I noticed her in her bedroom window while looking away from me. I waved and she got up and started coming down. I just stood there in the cold as I shivered a bit and looked around at the residue from our last snowfall. My hands in my pockets, face slowly turning pink.

"Hey babe," Layla said, and she walked outside and looked down, "how are you?" I don't really like it when she calls me babe. But why won't she look at me?

"I'm fine. Why won't you show me your face?"

I ask, putting a hand under her chin and trying to pick it up, but she tugs away. Well now I'm really suspicious. "Layla show me your face please."

She slowly looks up, revealing a black eye and small cut on her cheek. My eyes grow wide. "What happened?" She rolls her eyes and scoffs.
"Your best friend came here yesterday."

Uh oh.

"She punched me across the face and slapped me. Told me that I'm a slut. And a whore."
I smiled a little and chuckled under my breath.
"Amber would beat someone up but she wouldn't call anyone a slut. Or a whore. Especially someone that I like."

She rolls her eyes again. "You mean love."

I pause. No, no I don't mean love. I raise an eyebrow and shake my head. "No... no Layla I meant like." She seems offended and takes a step back. "What do you mean?"

I shrug. "I mean I don't love you yet Layla. Love is a big word. I didn't say it to Amber until we-"

"Were 15 yeah yeah I don't care. She's your friend. I'm your lover."

I shake my head and turn to go to my car. "That doesn't mean I have to love you." I pull out my keys but right before I could get in my car, I feel her hand on my arm and she yanks me back.

She puts her arms around my neck and pulls me down. I slowly sit up and feel my confusion and pain growing. "What was that!?" I yell, holding a hand up to my face as I struggle to find my breath. She looks pissed.

"Listen Louis. Say you love me. Now. Because I know about you and Amber and all the confusion going on there. So say you love me. Pick someone already."

She takes a few steps close to me and looks up at my face. "Layla," I begin in a whisper, "I can't do tha-"

A sharp and sudden pain is whipped through me as I feel her cold hard fist pound the side of my face. She punched me. Oh my god she punched me.

I gasp for air as I feel myself fall on her driveway, the cold snow piercing my skin. She pops down next to me as I slowly sit back up.

"You will stay with me. Say you love me Louis. Because if not, I will hurt Amber. And trust me, you don't wanna know what I have in store."

With one more cold slap across the face, she stands up and walks back inside before I can say anything. Holy shit I'm dating a psychopath. What kind of ultimatum did I just get myself into? If I don't stay with Layla, who's been really bad recently, then she'll hurt my best friend. The one girl that I'd kill to keep happy.

I stand up and scurry into my car as I'm out of breath. What would she do to Amber if I broke up with her? What would Amber think of it? Why can't I just take my time on saying I love you?

Why did I choose Layla over Amber?

Sorry for any spelling errors

Honestly I kinda feel a bit bad for guys because girls can abuse them but when they clap back they get in trouble :/ i don't think it's very fair. Not saying anyone should be able to hit though, you know what I mean.

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