Not a chaper!!

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Imma check in with you all. I know that probably no one takes the time to ask, so how are you? Actually.

Answer on this line if comfortable:

I'm sorry if things are hard right now but I can guarantee things will get better. I can manifest that you'll meet Louis🤗

Anyways I'm proud of you for still being here. Don't give up because you are loved even if nobody tells you or makes you feel like it.

And I want you to stay. I mean if you leave then you'll never get to know what happens at the end of this fanfic💔

Trust me. It's worth staying.

If you ARE doing good right now then YAS POP OFF. Good job. I am vv proud. Anyways sorry this isn't a chapter but I just wanna check in on my lovely followers and fans.

Have an amazing day ladies, gentlemen, and others. Love you all😌💙

(When things are hard just go look up pictures of Louis on Pinterest. Works every time.)

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