C38: Words

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Awww their little babies🥰

Louis POV

I did it. I broke up with her. First thing on Christmas Eve. She wasn't very happy, and she cried and punched me a few times, but I've never been more relieved to have a person out of my life. Well- I spoke too soon. Now I have to deal with what she wants to do with Amber. It's been stressing me out and as the days go by, I keep wondering if she's hurting her or not.

My bruise was still big, but very very slowly it was fading. Just a little bit. Over these past 3 days I haven't stopped thinking about Amber. God I'm in love. I'm so in love.

But that doesn't stop my anxiety from worrying. Jaeden is with Issie. Millie is with Jack. And god how badly I want to be with Amber.

I just have to have patience. Patience and hope.

Hope that whatever Layla says, Amber won't believe.


Amber POV

Christmas has passed. I got some pretty nice things, but I wish I would have gotten to date Louis for a present. He kissed me and I loved it, but I haven't heard about Layla in a while.

And then as if I summoned the devil, there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it!!" I hear Jack yell from the kitchen where he was having his breakfast. I looked away from my phone as I sat on the couch, and over to the door. Jack twisted the knob and revealed Layla, standing there in black leggings, a coat, and a carhartt hat.

"Can I talk to Amber? It's an emergency."

Ah shit. I wasn't too worried after hearing what Millie told me, and about how she was gonna purposely try to hurt me. So I'm just assuming that whatever she says is a lie.

I roll my eyes and stand up, leaving my comfy and warm spot on the couch, and walking to the freezing cold entrance of our house. Layla honestly looked really concerned. Almost as if she felt bad for me.

"Hey Amber... I know you probably think I'm here to hurt you or some-"

"Yeah well that's what you are here to do. I'm not stupid."

She sighs. "I understand why your upset with me. After what I did to Louis. And I know it was wrong I just hadn't had someone like me the way he did. I thought I could talk advantage of it but it wasn't okay."

I nod. "You got that right."

"Well anyways I'm more here to warn you..."

Warn me?

"Louis has probably said he loves you right? Many times before?"

I nod slowly, starting to fall for her trap. "Yeah?"

Layla gets really quiet and then pulls out her phone. "I have a video... of him saying how he truly feels about you guys."

Wait what? He said something?

She hands me a video of her recording Louis secretly. With panic in me, I click play.

"I don't like her that way Layla. I'm just trying to make her feel good because I don't wanna hurt her feelings by saying I don't like her back. She's so annoying sometimes. And she's not my type don't worry. I'm not into brunettes. Or taller girls. Trust me if I thought she was pretty and I liked her, I would drop you."

The video ended. It felt as if my hood did too. Layla carefully took her phone back from my hands and didn't say anything.

"I just thought it's only fair for you to know how he reall-"

I shut the door in her face and turn around. I thought SHE was gonna hurt me. Not Louis.

Those were his words. That was him speaking.


I quickly run to the living room, grab my phone, and dash downstairs to my bedroom where I simply cry. I cry into my pillow for actually believing he liked me. He just felt bad. But then why would he kiss me? Pure pressure?

I'm so upset right now.

How could I be so stupid? So fucking stupid?

I hate myself.

I hate him.


Louis POV

I've been laying in my bed since 8 in the morning. Over 3 hours. Just thinking of what Layla could be doing rn. What if she already hurt Amber and now she's avoiding me?

I'm giving myself a headache.

Holding a hand to my head, I shut my eyes tight and bite my tongue at the aching pain. I can't think about this right now.

But I had to.

Because suddenly my phone was ringing. And it was Amber.

I pick up.


"I hate you."

"W-what? Did Layla hurt you? I thought you said-"

"You said something Louis. Something disgusting and manipulative. Your a fucking horrible person and you lied to me."

"Amber what are you talking about?"

"I know you aren't in love with me. I'm not stupid."

"Amber please tell me what she said!!"

"Not she said. What you said."

And with that she hangs up. Oh shit. I immediately sit up and run to my coat. I need to talk to Amber. Now. I need to know what Layla said, and if she's the reason Amber ha-

Hates me.

I never thought I'd say that. Amber hates me.

"Mum I have to go to Amber's!" I yell from the entrance as I shove on my coat.

"Alright Louis have fun!"

Oh I wish. This wouldn't be fun at all.

But I can't let Layla ruin us.

I'm in love with Amber. Why doesn't she think that?

I'm gonna go find out.

Sorry for any spelling errors!

I'm in school ON my phone😼
Anyways I have to leave you on a cliffhanger💔
I'll update after school
(It ends at 2:37 in central time)
Thank you for all the reads!!!

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