C29: Cuddles

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My eyes flickered open the next morning, and Louis head was on my chest. He was fast asleep, breathing in and out slowly. His legs were crossing mine. We really shouldn't be doing this, because he has a girlfriend, but she hurt him, so she deserves it. And we try not to cuddle, because it's not normal to do it with a friend. But Louis had a hard night, and wanted comfort. I smile a bit and take a deep breath and I put my hand on the side of his face and stroked his sharp jawline.

That's when I saw a little smile cover his face. My jaw dropped and I gasped. "Louis are you awake?" I asked, as he began giggling under his breath. "You are!!" I giggled too as he opened his eyes. "I have been for like an hour."

I gently flicked him in the shoulder. "You little rat." I said, while and laughed a little and looked up at me. "I know I know, but can you keep doing that?"

Confused, I furrow my eyebrows. "Doing what?"

His cheeks were turning a little pink and he looked back down. "That thing you were doing with my jawline... it feels nice." Holy moly the butterflies I just got. I smile and nod a little. "Okay..." I begin.

"Your such a baby." I giggle as I feel his chest move in and out breathing. "Am not."

"Are too."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Okay maybe just a little," he admits, "but only around you." I smile a little bit and continued watching Louis relax. "Hey..." I say, "Lou how are you doing... with you know, everything that happened yesterday."

I watch his smile slowly fade. "I uhm... I don't know I guess." I feel him swallow and take a really deep breath. "Do you know when your gonna talk to her about it?" I ask, taking my hand off his jawline and onto his arm.

"I'm scared to..." he says, biting his tongue and tensing up. I gently rub his back and sigh. "I know... it's okay, you don't have to think about it yet." He relaxes a bit and lifts his face, to rest his chin on my chest, looking into my eyes. "Your a really good person Amber." He says, smiling a bit. I smile too and give him a kiss on the forehead. "Same for you pear tree."

Louis pouts and looks down. "Stoooopppp." He mumbles and I giggle. "Why do you hate it? I think it's cute!?" I ask, scratching his head of hair.
"Because everyone looks at me when that song plays." He says, lifting his head back up to look at me. I smile a little.
"On the first day of Christmas my true love sent to me-"


"A PARTRIDGE in a pear tree." I sing and giggle, making him cringe and squeeze me until I can't even breathe. "Okay okay I'm sorry!" I laugh as he lets go. Louis so pure. So innocent. Thinking of Layla and what she did last night angered me. And I'm not gonna let it slide.

"Lou I'm gonna get ready for the day." I say, sitting up a bit as Louis does too. I smile at him and he rubs his tired eyes with his fists. "Okay, I'll get ready to leave..."

I nod and stand up, heading to my dresser and looking through some clothes. I picked out some black leggings and a jumper. I didn't really wanna dress up today. Louis picked up his swim bag and cell phone, then looked back at me. I looked at him.

"Oh yeah- sorry." He said, turning around and facing my window. I smiled and quickly changed into my clothes. "You really are a gentleman huh Mr. Partridge?" I say as I slip my arm through the other sleeve of the jumper. He shrugs and continued looking forward. "What can I say? I grew up with two sisters."

Once I got everything on, I quickly hurried over and stared into his eyes. "Now come on, let's bring you back home." I say, grabbing his hands and pulling him up off my bed. He sighs and gives me a hug. "Your a loser." He mumbles as he throws his arms around me. I smile and hug him back. "Your an idiot."

I let go and nod. "Alright then let's go." I say, grabbing my car keys and walking out of my bedroom. I had plans for today. Not exactly fun ones, but ones that needed to be done.

•   •   •

I tried to cheer Louis up a bit by playing our playlist in the car, and singing them loudly. I promised him we'd hang out more. I really hope so.

"Alright, here you are!" I say, parking the car and looking over at him. Louis smiles. "Thank you Amber." He opens the car door and steps out. "Your the best friend I could ever have!" He yells as he shuts the car door and runs inside.

Ouch. I never thought the word "friend" could hurt so bad. I waved back and watched as he hurried back into his house. God I love him. I love him so much.

And that's exactly why I won't tolerate what Layla did.

I'm going to her house.

Right now.

Sorry for any spelling errors!!
Sorry this chapters kinda short!

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