C32: Concealer and Foundation

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Millie POV

"Oh hey Louis!" I said as he came back inside. His head was down and his hood was up. "Your back rather soon! How was it?"

Still no answer. He just sighs and takes off his shoes, and holds a hand to his face? Why? "Nice talk." I say, looking back down at my phone. Well, that is until he bolted down the hallway into my room.

"HEY!" I shouted, pushing myself off the sofa and throwing my phone on the chair. I darted quickly after him, holding arms out in hood to grab ahold of his shirt and stop him. But it's not exactly easy to catch your older brother.

He makes it to my bathroom and locks the door, just as I make it in the room. "Louis what the bloody hell are you doing?! You have your own!!" I yell at the door, holding a hand up to it. I hear him rummage through my cabinets and drawers. My eyes grow wide.



I feel my face burn up a bit as he figures out my panicking. "Sorry... what's the time?" He asks again, as I hear him grab something. I hear a little soft pop, as if someone was pulling out lipgloss. Why would he be wearing lipgloss? Maybe he's not. Maybe it's something else.

"Uhm it's 4:40?" I say, shaking off my confusion.

"Shit." I hear him mumble.

"Language Louis!" I remind him, raising my voice a little more. "I'm sorry it's just- what time did mum say we're going to the Michaels? I'm gonna go there instead of Layla's."

Surprising. I thought he'd for sure pick Layla. "5:00 is when we leave."

"Dammit." I hear him mumble again.

"Louis actually though, don't swear!" I say once more. He sounds frustrated. "Look I'm sorry just- if I tell you something, do you promise to keep it a secret? No matter how hard?"

Oh? What does he mean?

"Uh yeah... I promise..."

"Because you always used tell mum and dad when we were kid-"

"Louis I'm not like that anymore. Now what is it?"

I hear a little click and look down to see the unlocked door. Thank god. Louis slowly opens it, revealing a purple and pink bruise along the side of his face. My eyes grow even wider.

"Louis what happened?!" I say, stepping inside and re-locking the door. He sighs and sits down on the chair by my sink. "It was Layla..."


"You mean she HIT you!?" I say, staring at the counter and seeing my foundation and concealer out.

"Yeah... she did. Just listen. So she told me that she loved me and I couldn't say it back because I don't love her yet. But it made her angry and she- well she snapped. Told me to pick between her and Amber. And I can't do that so she punched me. I fell and hit my face on the icy driveway and now I have to hide it from Amber. But your fu- dang makeup won't work!"

I could see the frustration in his eyes as he looked back up at me. I was too shocked to move.

"What's Ambers favorite color?" I say, grabbing the makeup as he sighs. "Mills that's not the problem right now-"

"Answer me Louis." I say softly.

"It's yellow. She says it's her favorite because is the color of happiness. Smiley faces and sunflowers, sand on beaches and sunrises."

I nodded and kneeled next to him, grabbing out the makeup and pushing his hair out of the way to cover the bruise.

"Mhm and what's Layla's?" I ask. Louis is quiet for a second. "I don't know..." he mumbles quietly.

"Okay well you at least should know their middle names. Amber?"



"I don't know..."

"Okay so then you should at least know her parents names."

Louis goes extra silent and looks down, but I pick his face back up, as he remembers I'm covering it up.

"I... I don't know them..."


"Okay... I know you've known Amber forever so it's easier to know this stuff, but your in love with her. Not Layla. It may have only been a month but those were like REALLY easy questions."

I grab my beauty blender and super carefully tap his skin, to cover the bruise.

"Louis... can I ask you a harder question?"

He flinched a bit as I accidentally tap too hard. "Sorry," I mumble, "alright, ready?"

He gently nods.

"If Amber had 1 million dollars, and had to travel, where would she go?"

He smiles just a tiny bit. "She'd probably beg me to come. And she loves late night flights for some reason because then she can sleep above the clouds. I think it's kinda funny and cute. And she'd honestly probably pick Venice Italy. She loves it there. Went once and has been obsessed since. I love how passionate she is for that place. And how she-"

"Woah woah woah Romeo I asked you ONE question and you went off on 100 things you love about her. Are you trying to make it obvious that you'd rather be with her?"

I watch as Louis cheeks turn bright pink. He looks down and doesn't speak. "Yeah but... that's the problem. I am in love with Amber. She's not ready for a relationship."

"That doesn't mean you jump into a toxic relationship instead."

"I didn't KNOW it would be toxic." He snaps a little bit and I feel a bit bad.

"I'm sorry... but Louis?"

He looks back up at me.

"Be honest with me." I say. "Did you ever actually like Layla? Or was it just the fact that she could give you the attention that Amber couldn't at the time." Louis takes a deep breath and his eyes tear up a bit. His eyes TEAR UP?

Since when did he cry?

But he doesn't. He holds them back. "I don't know..."

Shoot I hope I didn't ruin his mood. "It's okay but Louis if this is hurting you THIS badly then maybe you should break up with her."

Louis flinches again as I tap.

"I can't. She said if I break up with her, she'll hurt Amber."

I paused for a second.
"And you care more about Amber's heart than your own?"

He swallows and nods. I finish up on his bruise, which looks gone. Kinda proud I did it honestly.

"Sounds like you've got yourself in a puddle." I say, putting my makeup back in its drawer. He stands up and looks at himself in the mirror, sighing in relief. "Thank you." He says, turning to me.

I nod, and give him a short hug before examining his face one more time. "Just be careful alright? And if you ever break up with Layla, don't worry. Amber could take her any day."

I wink and he smiles. "Now go grab your secret Santa gift and let's get this show on the road."

I say, leaving the bathroom as Louis follows behind me. Dang he's got quite the problem to deal with. I try to stay out of drama and stuff but when it deals with my best friend, my brother and his girlfriend?

I might join in a bit.

Sorry for any spelling errors

I love Millie😌✋🏻

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