C28: Pool Party

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TIME SKIP: A month
Disclaimer: Swearing

School just got out for Christmas break. FINALLY. Louis and Layla have literally hung out everyday, and I've been putting on a brave face for Louis everyday.

But then I get home and scream into my pillow and I cry. I cry so hard. Because I'm still in love with Louis.

It's been the most difficult thing to pretend to be happy for them but I'm doing it. Slowly. I grabbed my school bag out from my locker and threw it over my shoulder, when Louis scared me.

"JEEZ WHATS WRONG WITH YOU!" I said as he popped up and yelled 'boo.'

I playfully gave him a shove in the arm and he giggled. "Sorry, Layla's having a pool party tonight though. She's inviting a ton of people and said you could come."

I smiled a little and shut my door. "Isn't it December 20th? I mean I'd you want to freeze to death go right ahead but-"

"She uh... she has an indoor pool."

Oh great. She's rich too. Shoot I'm sure her and Louis have swam together in it. Ugh I don't wanna think about that.

"Really? Wow... uh yeah! Yeah I'm free..." I nodded and started walking down the hall next to him. "Yeah? Okay great because I honestly really miss hanging out with you stupid it's been too long." He said putting an arm over my shoulder. I bit my tongue. "I miss hanging with you too loser."

He sees Layla in the distance and takes his arm off me. "Okay well I got to go! See you tonight?"

I watch as he runs off to Layla. Everyday is the same. He looks happy. Happy that he's with her. I miss him.

I want Louis back.

•   •   •

"JACK!?" I called out from my bedroom as I stared at the suits down on my bed. "WHAT?" I hear him call from his bedroom where he was gaming. "CAN YOU COME HERE A SECOND?"


I hear his footsteps running over and turn around. "I need help." I say, as Jack examines the swim suits on my bed. "Which one will Louis like most?"

 "Which one will Louis like most?"

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