C7: Sparks and Butterflies

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"Louis!" I waved my arm high in the air during lunch. "Over here!" I saw Louis walking into the cafeteria with his lunch bag and backpack. He smiles as he sees me, and starts running over. Chase sits right across from me, looking Louis way as he sits right next to me. "Are you Chase?" Louis asks, opening his bag and giving the boy one of his welcoming smiles.

Chase nods and holds out a hand. "Yup." He pops the 'p' and continues to eat his food. I smile and reach into the lunch bag I had packed last night, pulling out some crisps. "He's from America." I share. Louis nods with a small smile, that I watch fade as he eyes Chase.

"Oops." The boy says, as I hear a gentle plink on the floor. Chase looks up at us, but mainly me, and smiles. "I dropped my pencil, sorry some moment." He folds over and tucks his head under the table, reaching down to grab a pencil, but taking an extraordinary long amount of time. Confused, I tilt my head a bit. "Chase you got it?" I ask, and he slowly starts coming back up. "Oh, uh yeah... yeah I got it."

I raise an eyebrow. It usually doesn't take 30 seconds to go reach for a pencil. Maybe it rolled away? I don't know. "Hey uh, babe can you follow me quickly?" Louis says, eyeing Chase in a suspicious way. I twist my head toward him with a baffled expression. "What? Babe?" I ask as I feel a hard squeeze in my hand. "Ow jeez yeah okay!" I say as Louis hand now lifts mine as he stands up.

Chase leans back a bit with a slightly upset look in his eyes. "Are you two dating?" I sigh and shake my head. "N-"

"Yes!" Louis cuts me off, squeezing my hand again and then looking at my eyes. "Yes it's been a year now, right baby?" There was something about Louis calling me baby that gave me butterflies. Not sure what, I just nod. "Yeah... a- a year." I stutter a bit but I don't think either notice. Chase nods carefully and suspiciously.

"Oh, okay we'll go ahead." He says, taking a bite of his sandwich. Louis looks at me and his eyes grow wide for a split second before he tugs my arm.

I follow him down the hall, to the lockers, where he takes a sigh of relief and looks over the edge. "Amber are you that clueless?" He asks, and I didn't even notice he was still holding both of my hands. I shrug. "What is there to be clueless about?"

Louis looks down and draws circles on the back of my hands. "He didn't drop a pencil you idiot." I get butterflies as his fingers trace mine, but shake my head. Snap out of it Amber. "Sure he did! I heard it!" I exclaim and Louis takes a step forward closer to my ear. "Shhh my goodness be quiet." He whispers as I carefully nod. Louis slowly drops my hands. "Amber, I think it's best if you pretend to be in a relationship with me. At least when we're around him." I shake my head and take a step back. "What? No! He's super sweet and kinda cute!"

Louis sighs and slightly rolls his eyes before taking a step closer. "I just want to keep you safe!"

"I don't need you to!!"

"Okay fine! Just... can you do something? For me?" I'm irritated. I don't know what Louis thinks is so wrong with Chase. He's a good guy!

"Sit with your legs crossed. When they're under the table." Louis says, taking a deep breath. "Please."

I swallow hard and nod. "Fine. But that's it. If I like him, I can like him." I restate, as I thought I saw Louis grow more worried. He sucks in his lips, leaving a thin line for his mouth. "Okay, but just be smart... I don't really trust him."

I scoff and turn around. "Well I do!"

Why was Louis acting like this? Is he like jealous or something? I don't know. But I don't like it when he tries to control me. I walk back into the bright and big cafeteria, and sit back down across from Chase. "Sorry, we aren't really dating. It was a joke. Funny right?" I stifle a giggle and he does too, as I see Louis start walking back over. He looked worried. But why?

"So how do you guys know each other then?" Chase asks, suddenly seeming curious. I look away from Louis and back to Chase. "I- we're friends. Childhood... childhood friends."

Chase nods and I watch his eye sight go beneath my collar bone again. Why can't he just look in my eyes?

Very slowly, I cross my legs under the table.

•   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •

You know what's funny? For the next 2 days,  Chase kept dropping his pencil. And then he'd quickly shoot down and spend way to long looking for it. I still didn't want to think anything if it though, because if I began to get worried, Louis would be right. And in this occasion, I don't want him to be.

The bell had starting ringing, and I gathered my bags.

"Test tomorrow everyone, so make sure you study!" Mr. Charles called out as students filed through the tall brown doors one by one. The teacher catches Chase on his way out, gently tapping his shoulder. I pause and turn to talk a look at what they were saying, but he just stood there until all the students were out. I sighed and waited by the door as it closed, straining my ears to hear their conversation through the small glass window.

All that came out was muffled whispers.

"Amber..." I jumped a little, turning around to see Louis, standing with one arm over his shoulder as he held his school bag. "Jeez you scared me." I say with a little scoff. I haven't really been happy with Louis lately. He's worrying way too much about this boy that I like.

I mean yeah, every once in a while his eyes travel to places that they shouldn't be, but everyone makes some mistakes. I do. Louis does. Everyone.


Louis POV

I look up into Ambers eyes and for a second I consider confessing how I've been feeling about her recently, but instead I just stick to my original plan. "Look, I'm sorry about being controlling. I'm just worried because you don't usually have many other guy friends. I just- I'm just trying to keep you safe but maybe I'm just paranoid..."

Or maybe I'm starting to like you. And it's terrifying me but I can't help but want to be with you. Spend time with you. Hold your hand. I like you Amber. I like you.

"And I just don't know how to act... but if I'm making you upset, I'm sorry. Do you wanna maybe come over and do our homework together?" I ask, feeling my face begin to burn as I look down, flustered. Amber's eyes softened a little bit and I thought I saw a grin. Oh gosh my stomach is blowing up with butterflies. Holy crap holy crap. Her smile is contagious. "Okay sure." She says with a little chuckle. I can't help but giggle a little. Her adorable eyes light up.

Her flawless hair swoops in front of her face as she brushes it away. Her teeth glow bright white. She's perfect. Maybe I really am falling for her.

"Okay good." I joke. "You can come over anytime you want, I'm free all night." Ugh. I love her. Even if she's angry with me. Even if she has been, for two days. "See you later then?" She gives a little smirk. I take a deep breath to try and calm down the butterflies in my stomach. "Yeah... see you later!" I turn and start walking back to my locker. Amber and I hang out all the time. But this one felt special.

I just hope she doesn't fall for that boy Chase.


A/N: There was a little time skip in here, so I hope your not thrown off!! Anyways go Louis, go get yo girl😏

Aaaannd again sorry for any spelling errors

And for those who don't understand why chase is "dropping his pencil" he's looking up Ambers skirt. Louis saw, and that's why he told her to cross her legs.
It's okay if you didn't get that, I'm slow sometimes too

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