C19: Home Screen

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Louis and I got in his car and he blasted our playlist. One we've been working on for a long time. It reaches about 37 hours... yeah... pretty much every song we like goes on it. And it basically was just us screaming and bopping our heads. We passed the city a while ago, and passed a few other places, and at this point, I don't think he realized we were lost. "Louis?" I began, but he didn't hear me through the music.

"LOUIS." I yelled. He turned down the music and stopped singing for a minute. "What?"

"Do you even know where we are?" I asked with a little smile because he was still bopping his head. But that vibing slowly came to a stop as he looked around. "Oh wait no I have no clue." He looks at me for a split second and laughs. "LOUIS WHERE ARE WE!?" I'm freaking out but laughing at the same time.





I pull out my phone and click on maps, but then the greatest thing that could happen right now happened. My phone died. "NOOO!!" I slap my hand on my forehead.

"What's wrong?!?" Louis asks, still kinda laughing as I set the phone back in my lap. "My phone died!" I groan and Louis holds an L to his forehead. "HAHA LOSER!" I hit him in the arm and roll my eyes. "LOUIS WE'RE LOST." I cry out. He shakes his head and reaches into his pocket. "Here just use my phone." He says, grabbing it out and handing it to me. I take the phone and his lock screen was me and him one day hanging out. I smiled a bit and then typed in his password, but it didn't work.

Louis peeked over and saw that I couldn't get it, because he usually tells me his password. "Sorry I had to change it. My mom found out what it was. It's 3235." I nod. "Thanks."

I type it the code and it opens, but his home screen was different. It was a picture of Layla giving him a kiss on the cheek, and he laughing. Ouch. My heart sank to my stomach and I tried to ignore it as I opened maps. "We're uh... we're in Chesham." I say, slightly raising my eyebrows. I was surprised because it's an hour away from London, but it hurt too much sees Layla on his phone. It's been 5 days. 5 DAYS and he already has her on his phone. Not a good sign.

"What's wrong? You got quiet..." He asks as I hand him his phone back. He looks down at it for only about a second before realizing and looking back up at the street. "Oh I know... you saw the photo of Layla..." He seemed awkward.

"Look I'm sorry, I can change it to us if you want? I swear we-"

"No it's fine... I don't control you, so it's okay if you want other girls as your screen." I forced a smile. "Don't worry." Louis seems to know when my smiles are fake. "Amber I know your upset. Please, I'll fix it, I just wanted Layla to feel like she has a friend I-"

"Louis." I set my hand on top of his. "It's fine."
But it wasn't. Of course it's okay for him to like other girls... but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. Louis bit his lip and looked back out on the road.


Louis POV

UGH. I hate myself. It's so hard because I know Amber likes me, and I still like her, but Layla has been super nice. She's also really pretty and I'm starting to like her. Plus, she's ready for a relationship... Amber isnt. But it kills me because every time I try to get closer with Layla, or be around her, it hurts Amber. I don't wanna hurt her. But I want to be able to like who I like. I just don't know.

Amber sets her hand on top of mine and I feel gentle butterflies. "Louis. It's fine."

I bite my lip and look back on the road. Life is a mess right now. I haven't been focusing. I'm too busy trying to be there for Layla, while trying to be there for Amber. It's so hard. I just don't know what to do anymore.

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