C30: Boiling Blood

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It was time to give her face some color. Maybe purple? Blue? Oh wait no, black. Maybe right around her eye. That'd show her a lil something. This girl has issues. I know it, she knows it, and I sure hope Louis does.

I pulled up to her perfect house, with her perfect door and windows and lawn and everything. Everything so perfect. I hate it.

I walked up to her door and rang the bell. I heard footsteps and then saw a man standing in the door, confused as to who I was. "Look kid, I don't care about your donations, or Girl Scout cookies, just go away."

He started closing the door but I put my hand on it and kept it open. "My name is Amber. Where's Layla? I need to talk to her." I paste on a fake smile, and he let go of the door, turning around to call out her name.

"Layla you have a visitor!" He yells, and then looks back at me and nods once, stepping away and walking to the living room. "Coming Daddy!"

She did not just- honestly at this point it doesn't even surprise me. Layla came running down the stairs in really short shorts and a bra. I guess she's always like this. "Oh it's you."

She crosses her arms and rolls her eyes. I made that fake smile even more plasticy. "Hey Layla, come out here, I have to talk to you." I grabbed her wrist and yanked her out, in front of her garage and shutting the door behind me.

She covered her arms and rubbed then up and down as she shivered. "This better be important Amber." She says, while scoffing. I let go of her wrist and drop my smile. "Oh it is."
I take a deep breath to stop myself from punching her right there and then. "Did you ask?"


"Did you get Louis consent to do that?"

"I don't know what your talking about."

I quickly slapped her across the face, my blood boiling. "You know exactly what I'm talking about you whore. Now answer me."

She looked shocked as she held a hand up to her cheek. "No I didn't ask him but he definitely wanted it-"

I slapped her again, and then grabbed her wrist. "If you really cared about him you would know he isn't ready for that shit. You will NEVER touch him again without asking. DO YOU HEAR ME?" I spat in her face and let go of her arm.

"Don't touch me!" She wined, ripping her arm away. I shake my head and chuckle under my breath. "Then don't touch Louis. Your lucky I'm not giving you a black eye right now sis."

She smiled a little. "I don't know why your so angry girl, Louis loves me and-"

"He didn't say I love you to me until we were 15. He's never said I love you to you." I cut her off. She really REALLY doesn't understand the power of that word.

"Well maybe not but you know you wanna fuck him too Amber. You know you wish you were me and you wish you could do what I did last-"

Screw what I said about not giving her a black eye. I took that fist, and I gave her a solid punch in the eye, causing her to begin to cry like a baby.

"What the bloody hell Amber!" She yells, holding her eye and running inside. I flick her off and turn to the car, but before I could hop in I hear her dad.

"HEY!" He yells, as Layla runs over to him, yelling Daddy again.

I pause and turn around. He scoffs and grabs onto Layla. "Don't you dare disrespect my daughter right now-"

"I don't know if your aware, but last night your daughter forced her boyfriend to almost fuck her against his own will. So if you ask me who's being more disrespectful her, it's your bitchy daughter."

I said, cutting him off and flicking them both off as I hopped in my car and drove away. It felt good to get that out of my system. Even better: I left without her fighting back.

Now I'm sure if Louis finds out he'll be angry with me. Like, really angry. But what can I say? She hurt the boy I love. And I won't let that slide.

I didn't listen to music. I didn't sing. I didn't jam out.

I just stared straight ahead, feeling my blood boil under my stone cold skin.

Sorry for any spelling errors

Ahh I'm so sorry these last two chapters were short, I've been busy literally all day. It's my cousins birthday and I went shopping for literally the whole day!! I'll try my best to post more in these next few days!

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