C13: Exactly Why

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2 weeks later (swearing in this chapter)

"Amber can you help me clean up the house? We have guests coming over tonight!"

I hear my mum yell from the sitting room and I sit straight up. It was early October on a Friday. Who on earth is coming over?

"The Partridges?" I yell, awaiting her response. "No! Ugh can you come here for a second?"
I grunt and hop off the bed, jogging up the steps. "What is it mum?" I enter the living room where she wiped her forehead from sweat, with a towel over her shoulder. I stare down at the meal she was cooking with wide eyes.

"Woah... who's coming over?" I look back up at her.

"The Rudolph's. They moved here from America around a month ago and I've gotten really close with the mum so we're having them over for dinner."

The Rudolph's?

Who are they?

"She has a son named Chase, he's in your grade! I think you two could get along really well!"

My heart stops beating. My mouth went dry. My palms are sweaty.

"M-mum... did you say Chase?" I ask through a shaky voice. She nods, confused on what had happened. "Yeah, why?"

She looks confused but slowly begins to realize. "Wait is that the same boy who-"

I nod, and she goes quiet. Her eyes look full of worry and anger. "I completely forgot! Gah what should we do? Do you want me to text his mum and tell her that he should stay home?"

I nod and begin cracking my knuckles. I try to calm myself down but my heart was racing. I watched mum frantically grab her phone and go to texts. Her fingers begin tapping like crazy across the screen, but then...

Ding dong

Her eyes shot up to me. "Esme? Esme it's Alice!" I don't take a second more to look at mum, as I sprint back to my bedroom. This is literally not happening. I've been avoiding Chase at school, in fact Louis found a new open seat that we go to now.

But he's here. In my house. I can't just switch houses too. I quickly lock my door and hop up onto my bed. I was petrified but intrigued at the same time. "Ah Esme how are you?" I can hear the door open and some people step inside, hanging their coats on the hooks. "Where's Amber?" His mother asks. "I've been waiting to meet her!"

Oh god.

"Oh uhm she's caught and illness! She probably shouldn't come out of her room tonight unfortunately but perhaps another time?" I hear mother say.

I hate life.

"Oh I'm sure that's alright, he can go cheer her up a bit?" Alice says, as I can hear Chase's footsteps going downstairs, to where I was. I try to breathe quietly, but it hard when your freaking out. "No no I-"

"Come on Esme, I'm sure they'll be fine. Let's go have some fun."

I hear my mum and Alice's shuffling footsteps going to the kitchen and I roll my eyes, whispering 'shit' under my breath. "Amber?" Chase says aloud, trying to find where I was. "Amber it's Chase, just let me say a couple things please?"

He says, assuming I'm just gonna be like 'oh yeah chase here I am! What is it?'

I sigh and slowly crawl across my floor, trying my best to avoid the creeks. My phone was on my bed. If I could get there I'd be fine. Taking one foot in front of the other, I carefully make it to my bed and grab my phone. I couldn't believe it. Chase was in my house. Looking for me.

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