C3: Falling

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"Can you pass me the pepper?" Jack reached out his hand to Liz, who carefully reached over Louis plate as he leaned back, and handed it over. "Here you are dear." Jack kindly took the small shaker from her and sprinkled it over his food. There was a moment of silence between everyone at the table, which normally doesn't happen.

"What does WAP stand for?" My Mom randomly blurted out. I started choking on my chicken and Louis began laughed as he watched me. My Mom looked at us both with large and confused eyes. "I don't understand, what's so funny?" I shook my head and Louis picked up his cup of milk and took a sip, and then I coughed again. He quickly sets down the glass, and begins to gag because he was in the middle of drinking.

I began to laugh again and so did Louis. The rest of the kids were trying not to join. Louis picked up his napkin and patted his lips, trying to cover his laugh.

"Uhm you two can excuse yourselves from dinner..." My dad said. I pulled away from the table and Louis did too, placing his napkin back down. I covered my mouth with my hand, waiting for Louis to come to my side of the table so we can go outside.

He runs over, trying to contain his laugh as he grabs my hand and pulls me to the door. His hand was still warm and felt nice when it was locked with mine, because my hands were often cold.

We burst out of the house and the second I make it to the grass I onto my knees and start to cry-laugh.

Louis watches me fall and folds at the waist laughing harder and gasping for air.


He yelled as he too, fell to his knees wiping his tears. I rolled onto my side, trying to catch my breath and failing. "STOP STOP STOP STOP."

I laid flat on my back staring at the sky as some clouds rolled over. I notice Louis begin to walk over to me. Hovering above, he reaches out and grabs my hands to help me up. I put my hands up to my eyes and wiped away the tears.

"Is your mum that clueless?" He laughed a little more. "I guess so." I laugh a little more.

Once we'd calmed down, dinner has for sure already been finished. I mean, we couldn't stop for like 10 minutes. "We could go skateboarding now? Do you wanna show me how your doing?" Louis asked.

"Oh god I mean okay but don't make fun of me." He chuckles again and grabs onto my hand. "Like I said earlier, no promises." I felt a spark. Like a tiny little dot shoot through my body, as the familiar feeling of his hand touched mine.

We made a rule as kids, that we can hold hands, but no locking fingers because that means you love someone. And not just love like you love your parents. No, love like you wanna kiss. And as kids, we thought kissing was nasty.

Louis gently tugged my hand and I snapped out of my little daydream. I followed him into his garage, and he pulled out his skateboard.

"Is this one new? I don't recognize it."

I said, watching as he let go of my hand and set it down on the floor. "Yup. Got it a couple weeks ago." He pushes off the floor and I watch him roll down the driveway, and taking a turn to the left when he reaches the road.

A little grin came over my face as I watched him do a little trick on the board, flipping in and landing back on top. He looked at me and threw his hands up as if he were a gymnast who just landed a skill.

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