C17: Little Miss Perfect

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Disclaimer: a little swearing

"Good morning class!" Mr. Willams said as I entered first period. I got barely any sleep last night. Probably because I slept in until 1 after me and Louis sleepover. I sighed and dropped my bags by my desk as I took a seat. "How are we today?" He clasped his hands together and I just gave him a lifeless stare.

His eyes traced around the room with a 'okay then' look. He nodded and the dropped his hands as the rest of the students walked inside and took their seats. "Well I hope you all had a great weekend, because we have a quiz today!"

There were a few kids groaning and sighing but I just didn't care. School is so pointless. Like do I really need to know about imaginary numbers? Am I ever really gonna need it? No.
So I've just learned to shrug it off. "Everyone get a pencil in hand, and I'l pass out the papers."

20 minutes in, I realized this isn't a very normal quiz. There were a lot of questions. And they weren't very easy. It felt more like a test. "Sorry I'm late!" I heard an angel say. Or at least, it sounded like an angel. I turned in my seat to see a girl, with beautiful, silky long blonde hair, and turquoise eyes. Clear skin, slightly tan, and a beautiful body. Straight from the magazines.

"My father got caught in really bad traffic on the way here..." she begins walking to the front of the class, and hands Mr. Williams a tardy slip. I look at her pretty acrylic nails that sit perfectly on her hands. And her flawless side profile. "That's no problem. Sorry to interrupt your test students," he stood up and held an arm out to her, "this is Layla. She's our new student." The angel reveals her straight white teeth as she smiles, and I feel my heart sink.

How is it possible for one to look so perfect? "Layla you can take a seat next to Amber over there."

Great. Ms Perfect is gonna sit next to Ms Not. Layla gives me a little wave as she walks over to our seats. I take a second to look at my brown hair, and my fair skin.

Your thighs look fat

I pick them up off the seat to make it seem skinnier.

Your nails aren't long and pretty.

I cross my arms and tuck my fingers in.

You look boring. Look pretty.

I try to smile a little as she takes out her book and begins to read. She even looks perfect reading. I lean forward a bit and take a peek at the title. Pride and Prejudice. One of Louis favorites. My smile becomes real as I think of him.

And then it hits me. What if when Louis sees her, he'll think she's pretty? What if she thinks he's cute? Oh crap. I didn't think about that.
Ignoring my thoughts, I go back to the quiz. The quiz. Focus on the quiz. But I can't.

I've had so many chances to be with Louis. We've nearly kissed 3 times, and actually kissed 1 time. But I didn't ever ask him out. And he never asked me. Probably because he thinks it'll ruin our friendship. But he likes me? But he knows I'll probable freak out.

Shut up Amber and focus on the quiz. I take a look around the room and see multiple people have finished, and a few kids were turning the paper in. I was on question 16 out of 30. Ugh I need to hurry up!!

•   •   •

"Is everyone finished?" Mr Williams ask. I had 2 more questions. I hate math. Taking another look around the room, I see that literally everyone was done. I hate being the last one taking a quiz or test. It makes you look stupid.
"Oh Mrs. Michael, do you need a minute more?" I awkwardly nodded, feeling my face burn up and my palms sweat, which makes the pencil in my hand start to slide around. "That's okay, just hurry things up soon."

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