C21: Silence

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I don't think I've cried for as long as I did last night. Heck I started at 9:15 and didn't sleep cause I was crying, and then the sun rose and I was still crying. Sure it was quiet and gentle and after a while the tears stopped, but my eyes were so freaking swollen and pink, I looked exhausted. And I was. Louis was talking about how I should be over the heartbreak thing... and I should. Except for now there's a new problem. You know that saying 'friends can break you heart too?'

Louis words shattered mine.

I had no motivation to get out of bed. No motivation to go see the idiots today. Especially Louis. I knew Jack, Millie, Issie and Jaeden would be wondering why me and Louis weren't talking, but I'd have to tell them in private. I don't wanna rehash a fire.

"Amber?!" I heard my dad call from upstairs. "Amber wake up we're meeting your brother at the airport in an hour!!"

I groaned a little and rolled on my side. I fell asleep at 5. It's 9. So I got about 4 hours of sleep. Thank god it's the weekend.

I could hear dad lose his patience. "Amber please get up here!"

I rolled back and looked at my door. "Coming!" I yelled, but my voice was quiet and hurt. I realized I lost it from screaming last nigh. Main reasons I cried:

-Louis was right. I'm manipulating him.

-Even if he was right, the way he said it was really harsh and hurt

-I think I lost my best friend

-Now I have to see him and our families today

Yup. That basically sums it up. I got out of bed and looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes were red, but not even gonna lie... I looked cute. Giggling at myself, I posed a few times and smiled. It feels good to smile.

I combed out my hair and changed into some joggers and a tee, and then sighed. Today wouldn't be fun. At all.


Louis POV

I didn't sleep at all last night. I actually felt horrible. I said I hated things about her. I don't hate anything about her. Hate is a strong word. And I used it. I told her she was hypocritical and manipulative and ridiculous, and... I don't know if she'll forgive me.

I fell asleep at 5 in the morning, after crying for a literal 8 hours. I woke up at 9, but didn't wanna get out. My mum called me a few times, and told me we had to leave for the airport. I wasn't looking forward to it. I had to see Amber. And everyone. And pretend that everything was fine.

I hurt her and I know it, because when I started going upstairs I heard her begin to cry. And when I made it to the door, just before I closed it... I heard her scream into her bed. It sounded horrible. She sounded like she was honestly broken. I even stepped back inside and thought about running back down and apologizing but... no it was too soon. She definitely did not wanna see me.

So I turned around and went home.

But back to now, I wore some joggers and a jumper. To cheer myself up, I listened to some Disney music. Yes I know how childish it sounds. Naive, stupid, young. But it honestly helped me forget the things I said for a second. But I mean I wasn't all in the wrong... she wasn't letting me like who I want. She was controlling me.

This same thing happened with Chase... and it didn't end well. I'm afraid it's gonna end the same way with Layla. Once I was ready, and got everything, I pulled out my phone. I wanted to know if she was coming or not.


are you coming to see Jack and millie today
And are you going to the party

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