C40: Winter Coat

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Silly Louis☺️

Louis didn't really think things through when he drove off. He left his coat. And that gave me the perfect excuse to go to his house. I slapped the boy. Slapped him.

Why the heck did I do that? I have issues.

Now I'm not an idiot, I know I should give him a little while to cool off. Not days, not hours, but maybe one.

60 minutes.

I've never actually gotten physical with Louis. I mean sure we've jokingly kicked or hit each other but we've never done it out of pure anger. And I feel horrible.

So horrible that I've been staring blankly at our texts for almost 40 of those minutes.

Louis I'm so so so sorry please I didn't mean to hurt you at all I feel horrible please just-

I delete the text and start over.

I'm so sorry for slapping you Louis I promise I didn't mean to... I guess I was just angry at what you said which by the way wasn't okay. It was really wrong of me to slap you but going behind my back and calling me annoying? It's not okay-

Delete. I'm not trying to start even more drama.

Louis can we talk?

Nice and simple. See where the conversation takes us? I hit send. And like always, he replies right away.


Louis can we talk?

pear tree 💙

Okay look, I'm really really sorry I feel horrible and I know I shouldn't have slapped you. I don't know what's wrong with me, I probably need help or something but I guess just hearing what you said hurt me.

pear tree💙


pear tree💙
I forgive you


What the- how on earth could he forgive me that fast?

pear tree💙
Saying that behind your back was disgusting of me to do and I know it. I had no right to say any of it and I'm so sorry because you know the truth is that I liked you when I said that. Sure Layla was new and cute and I liked her but I was still in love with you and I know it was wrong.

Louis why do you forgive me so fast

pear tree💙
because I love you and I know you didn't mean anything you did or said

But I'm such a bad friend

pear tree💙
no you're not

I don't deserve you Lou

pear tree💙
no one does💅🏻

Oh my god Louis

pear tree💙


I smile and then put my phone in my pocket. How in the- I really don't deserve him.

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