C34: Gift

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I was still a bit confused as to why Millie and Louis were using my makeup, and I was gonna throw hands because I thought they were using the one I use; but they used the one that I got at the dollar store.

Finally, at around 9, we decided to do the secret Santa gifts. We sat in a circle on our living room floor, and I couldn't help but try to see through Louis gift. His wrapping job was perfect. I swear he's good at everything.

Suddenly I feel a gently flick on my leg. "You trying to peek?" Louis giggled, and I realized he saw me. My cheeks turned a little pink. "What? Noooo..."

He looks down and slips his hand into mine, flipping it over. "You do it every year. There's no fooling me."
My heart beat went wild as I felt his play around with the thin rings I was wearing. He looked at then so curiously and all I was think was kiss me. Lace our fingers. Hold me.
He has a girlfriend. Though they've seems distant recently.

Tracing shapes on my hand with his thumb, our parents got back into the living room, holding cameras and slices of pie and cups of tea. "Hold on let me get ready."

Do all parents do this? It's like if every moment isn't filmed the world will end. "Alright you guys can trade gifts!" They say, as Louis legs go of my hand. Now it feels cold. I frown a bit and grab onto my gift. "I had Jack."

I hand him the gift and he goes next.

"I had Jaeden."

Jaeden takes the gift and then I watch his face grow a little red and he looks nervous. "I had Issie."

He hands her a gift that he had mum wrap. I overheard him telling her it needs to be perfect. Jaeden's never been good at wrapping presents. Issie smiles at him, making Jaedens face even more red.


She passes her gift to Millie, who smirks and grabs hers.

"I got Louis."

She hands him a gift that was literally the size of an earring case, and I can see Louis trying to keep his humble. As was I, who was holding back laughter as he tried his best to look excited. He reaches behind him and grabs out the box. The big, perfect and smooth box. And then his vision turns to me as he smiles.

"And I had Amber."

He smiles, bringing his knees to his chest as I take the box, and he digs his face down, either out of excitement or embarrassment. Or he was just being same old stupid Louis.

I smiled brightly and nudged his side, causing his to perk up and look back at me. "Alright who wants to go first?" James asked, taking a sip of his tea. Issie volunteered and I watched as Jaeden sat up straight, clearing his throat and taking a deep breath. He was panicking.

"Okay so Jaeden had me," she begins as she unwrapped her gift, "but I forgot to give a list so I have no clue what it is."

She giggled a bit and when the box opened, immediately giggled. "Is this us?" She picked up a picture frame of Jaeden and Issie at the beach. They looked around 6 years old. Jaeden had sunscreen covering his nose, and was wearing a swimsuit, as Issie had her arm around him, smiling. She was taller in that photo, but now Jaeden was.

I smiled a little as I saw Jaeden giggle and look at Issie with literal love in his eyes. She grabbed out a few of her favorite candies, and then saw a note at the bottom.

"Oh no I didn't see the card!" She says, picking it up. Jaeden shrugged. "I wanted you to see it last..."

She gave him a little smile and I thought I saw Jaedens eyes flicked to her lips. Issie looks back down at the gift and opens the card. A few bills fell out and she smiled a bit and then read her card.

"Dear Issie,
Merry Christmas! I've so happy that I've gotten the chance to grow up with someone as amazing as you. You make me laugh, smile, and I really need to say..."

Issie's voice trailed off and her smile slowly started to fade. She continued reading in silence and her eyes grew a bit wide. Jaeden's chest was going up and down quickly and he had closed eyes. Wait a minute did- did he confess to her?

Issie looks back up from the card, to Jaeden, and then back down to the card, her face glowing up as she smiles bigger than I've ever seen her smiles before.

"Thank you..." she says finally, as they keep eyes contact.

"Alright then I guess I'll go next." Millie cut the silence and everyone looked to her. But out of the corner of my eye I saw Issie slide her hand into Jaedens, and then very slowly, she crossed her fingers with his.

I can only imagine how Jaeden is feeling right now...


Jaeden POV



Amber POV

I saw a little smile cross his face and it gave me the answer. Issie finally broke their eye contact, and pecked him on the cheek. I knew she wanted to kiss him. I knew it. But she couldn't in front of our parents. It's too awkward.

Jaedens face turned bright red, along with Issies and they looked to Millie, who was already half way through opening her gift.

"Some new makeup and nail polish, and jewelry! Thank you bb girl!" Millie said in a Russian accent as me and Louis laughed. Issie and Jaeden were still too in love to laugh. I slowly quieted my giggling and looked to Jaeden who grabbed out his gift.

He got some chocolates, pictures, and money. He usually asks for money. Not much else. He's picky.

I got Jack new gaming headphones, candy, some money, and an play station gift card.

Louis awkwardly pulled out his tiny gift and tried to hold back a little giggle. "This is Millie's gift to me." He showcases it like we were on shark tank. I can't help but burst out laughing, and Millie does too. She must have not cared.

"Wait wait face Amber." She said, as Louis looked a tad confused. He twisted so the gift faced away from me, and then slowly opened it. His face went bright red and eyes wide. He pulled out a little yellow note and quick read it before dropping his jaw, and smiling as he closed the small box.

"Oh my god Millie!" He laughed, shocked and embarrassed. "What is it?" I asked, seeing Louis shove it in his pocket.

What was it?


Louis POV

It was a ring. And it was really pretty. Shiny and perfect. I was confused until I read the piece of paper.

Use this as a promise, engagement, or marriage ring for Amber. It's your choice when and which one you use it for ;)


Amber POV

"You little idiot!" He said, giggling and covering his face with his hands. I frowned a bit. "What was itttt!?"

Louis smiles a little and puts his hands on my shoulders. "Listen Amber, I love you, but I can't tell you this one."

I got butterflies when he said I love you, but I was still eager to know. "Louis why not?"

He shoots a look at Millie, who winks at him and then looks at me. "I just can't say... trust me?" He holds out his pinky and I link mine with his. "Fine. I trust you." I say, and he kisses the top of my hand.

"You'll know one day."

One day.

Sorry for any spelling errors

Imma have to thank Millie for making Louis realize he's in love with Amber.

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