C24: I'm Sorry

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I sat in their bathroom for a while, just on the counter with my head in my hands. I wasn't crying too hard, but maybe a tear fell. I don't know. But I've been so stressed out. I feel like losing Louis would end it all. After a while of sitting and thinking, I thought about Jack. And what he said. I need to talk to him.

I didn't want to. But I had to.

So I got off the bathroom counter and walked to the door. I knew the rest of them were probably gossiping about what I said, and walking past would we weird, but I didn't care. I just zoomed past them and over to Louis room, without glancing.

I put my ear to his door and didn't hear anything. In fact I heard pure silence. Deep breaths.

I gently knocked on the door a few times. A weak voice called out. "Who is it?" Louis said, and I could hear the strain in his throat. I closed my eyes.


There was a long pause where no one spoke. Just a moment where nothing was said and it felt like no one moved. However someone did, because the door unlocked and opened, revealing Louis tall structure in front of me. Our eyes locked for a moment before I quickly looked away. "C-can I come in?" I whisper in a super low tone. Louis doesn't say anything.

He steps away from the door and goes back to his bed, where he lays on his back and looks up. I bite my cheeks and walk in. "Are you okay?" I ask, debating whether I should sit on his bed or not. He closes his eyes and shakes his head, letting out a really quiet "no."

I breathe a few times and carefully sit next to him. "What's wrong?" I'm at a whisper now.

"I have a headache. My throat hurts. I'm fighting with my best friend. I'm trying to help the new girl. My best friend tells me I can't catch feelings for her. I was accused of saying I hate you. I've never cried so much in my life. I've never yelled so much in my life. I feel like I'm losing the girl I care about most. I'm having a hard time focusing on school and homework. I hate life right now."

He lists off all of those things, and I know that almost all his problems rely on me. I'm causing him all this pain. Swallowing down my tears, I try to be helpful. "I can get you a glass of water? Maybe that'll help?"

Louis doesn't say anything, but instead he just shrugs. "I'll take that as a sure. Be right back."

I quickly hop up and sprint to his kitchen to get water. Thankfully the adults were busy talking and watching TV to ask why I was in a rush.

Once I made it back downstairs, I quietly stepped inside Louis room and handed him the water. "Here..." I say, as he sits up. His LED's were on too and they were fading from all the colors. I tried to smile a bit.

"Can I turn these off? They probably aren't helping your headache." I say, reaching for his remote and clicking the off button. Now his room was just lit a little by his lamp. He drank all of the water, and then set the cup by his bed as he rubbed the sides of his head. "Thank you..." he whispered. I nodded a little and looked at his eyes. I needed to fix things.


Louis POV

I honestly liked having Amber with me. She gave me water, let me do a mini rant and didn't get angry, and now she's just sitting there. I felt bad for yelling earlier and still am a tiny bit angry, but I liked knowing someone cared. I began to rub my head, trying to think of something that would help.

When I used to get headaches, Amber would let me lay down and she'd just play with my hair or give me a scalp massage. And it got rid of the ache literally ever time, but the odds of that right now are near impossible. And it would be awkward if I asked. So instead I just ran my fingers through my own hair, trying to stop the throbbing pain.

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