C5: Clear Thoughts

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I woke up in the morning, strands of light peering through Louis curtains. And speaking of Louis, did I mention he's a hard sleeper? He can fall asleep on his back and sometimes he'll wake up upside down, or not even on the bed. But in today's case, he was dangling. I look to my right, and there he was. His feet still on the bed but his head and arms falling off.

It made me laugh. I wiggled out of my comforters, and very slowly got off as I held back my laughter. He looked ridiculous. I carefully walked over to his side of the bed, where he was hanging. I squatted down next to his face, and then leaned over to whisper.


I watched his eyes open very slowly as he realized the position he was in. "Oh god." He said with a smile. I let out the laughs I had been holding in as he rubbed his eyes and sat up. "Why do you let me do this to myself?" Louis pouts as I throw a pillow at his face.

I shrug and pop on the bed again, next to him. "What do you want me to do?" He slumps over and falls onto my legs. I laugh a little and gently scratch his hair and scalp. I can't help it, he as the softest hair ever. "We have school tomorrow." He mumbles into my legs. I nod. "Yup. Can't say I'm very excited."

He sits back up and stares at me for a moment. His beady chocolate eyes hypnotizing me. And then they go soft as he says "can I have a hug?" My heart melts, and I pout out my bottom lip with open arms. "Okay fine, what it is?" He crashes into me, resting his head in my shoulder and wrapping his arms around my back. "I don't like school. It's stressful." I nod and put a hand on the back of his neck. "I know..." I say.

Louis gets like this on Sunday's. Just knowing that the next day is Monday. "But it's not like the first time right? I mean you go back every week." I say as he slowly pulls away and shrugs. "But every week it feels worse and worse." I nod and exhale. My stomach was rumbling.

"I can hear that."

I look back up at Louis who glanced at my stomach for a split second. "You wanna get breakfast?" I look down at myself for a second and then back up at Louis with a small smile as I rub my eyes. "Yeah sure."

• • •

"Thank you for letting us stay over!" Jack shouts back at the Partridge parents as we all get in dads car. Millie waves by the door and I wave back, until dad starts pulling away. "How was it? You guys had fun?" I nodded, staring out the window as I count the lamp posts we pass by. My brothers and father talk on and on about how it was, and what they did, but I find myself in my own mind, staring out the window.

Last night didn't feel like other times I hang out with the idiots. It was more fun, and real. I think of that moment I had with Louis. Actually, those two moment. Where we both just stared into each other's eyes. Not in the way friends do, but not in the way lovers do.

I try to think nothing of it, and shrug it off so I look away from the window and back to my brothers an dad. "So Amber how's you little cut?" I shot my eyes up to see dad looking at me in the mirror. I raise an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" I ask, leaning a bit forward. He puts a hand up to his cheek. "Your little accident? On the skateboard?" I lean back and put a hand on my bandage. The cut still stings a bit. "Oh it's fine." I say, setting my hand back down. "You sure?"

I nod. Remembering yesterday, and the stinging pain of the rubbing alcohol, but the sweet feeling of holding Louis hand. We passed the cities, and I stared out the window. The tall buildings cast shadows, large enough to cover a row of 20 cars. I felt cruddy. I always do after staying over. My hair is messy, I haven't brushed my teeth since yesterday morning, I probably have rancid BO... and overall just nasty.

We arrive back at home, after around 10 minutes. The fresh scent of cut grass from the neighbors yard fills my nose as I get out of the car and bolt inside. "I CALL SHOWER." I yell out as I run inside. Sprinting upstairs. I have my own bathroom, but there isn't a shower. Just a small bath and toilet.

I reach the shower, and quickly take off my clothes, turning on the water. I feel... musty. I don't exactly know how to describe it better. I hop in the water, and immediately feel relieved. Making myself feel better physically and mentally. I don't feel so dirty, and I've stopped worrying and thinking about Louis. It was just me, the warm water, and my clear thoughts.


A/N: Sorry it's a short chapter :/ but I hope you guys are liking the story so far!

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