C33: Christmas Party

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Dude click on the picture I put above. HIS HANDS HOLY MOLY IM IN LOVE. Anyways back to the story:

The partridges arrived at our house just a little late, but it's fine. We always usually show up a little bit late. Louis smiled at me when he walked inside. He was holding a perfectly wrapped gift along with his sleeping stuff. God I hope he has me for the exchange. I love it when he has me. He gives the best gifts.

"Hey you guys!" I say happily as I give them all quick side hugs. Jaeden and Issie were finally back from college for winter break and after Jaeden telling me his feelings for Issie, it's a lot easier to see the way he looks at her. Or talks to her.

Once they all got off their coats, mittens, and hats, mum and dad took Liz and James to the living room, and us idiots went downstairs. As kids, all of us could never wait for presents. We'd eagerly sit in a circle around them. Our eyes fixed on the perfect layering of the wrapping as we squealed and held hands. Gifts were the most exciting thing ever.

In fact there was a year that me and Louis hid behind the tree and carefully ripped small holes in the wrapping to see what we got. Nothing was a surprise that year.

"So... what should we do?" Jack said, plopping next to Millie on the floor. I shrugged as Louis ruffled his hands through his fluffy brown hair. I smiled a bit as he sits next to me, our shoulders touching and knees over lapping from sitting so close together on the small couch. "Well we can't sneak out yet. It's only 5:30." I say, reminding him because Jack always wants to leave early.

I can see him pout. "But it's so fun, we can spend even more time looking around and-"


Millie giggles and puts and hand on his shoulder. "We don't even leave until the parents are asleep you dumbo." Jack turned his face to her and smiled a bit. Millie's cheeks tinted red and she quickly looked down. Hmm... that's odd.

"Do you guys wanna go raid Amber's candy drawer?" Louis mumbles as if I wouldn't hear him. My eyes grow big as I elbow him in the arm, causing him look over and smile at me.
"Amber you hide candy?" Jack asks, wide eyed with a smile.

Louis was the only one who knew about it. I keep every piece of candy I've ever gotten in there. That is, until it's too old to eat. "Noooo... okay maybe." I admit as Louis stands up. "Taking orders, she's got everything in there."

I laugh a little but give him another annoyed punch. "You little nincompoop." I say, as he pretends to pull out a notepad like a waitress."

"What can I get for you m'am?" He asks, staring down at me. I pretend to stroke my imaginary beard and then made an 'aha' face. "I'll take a kiss." I say, smirking.

"A kiss?! You know I can't do that m'am..."

Louis broke character a bit as he frowned. I was messing with him. "How come? I know I have a ton of chocolate kisses in there."

His cheeks turn red as he makes the realization I was talking about the candy kiss, and not one from his lips. I wanted to play around with him a little more. "What did you THINK I meant Mr Partridge?"

You should've seen how bright his face turned. "Erm nothing. I knew what you meant..." he turned to Jaeden to take the rest of their orders. God I love messing around with him.

After he 'wrote down' everyone's orders, he gave us all a quick nod and turned to go to my bedroom. He's so cute.


Millie POV

I just enjoy watching Louis get flustered over Amber. He thought she wanted to kiss him. Ha! I mean she does... and he does... but Ha! My brother is such a loser.

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