C15: I'm in Love

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"W-what do you mean?" I ask, as I thought I felt my heart stop. Louis didn't say anything. He just laid beside me, slightly grinning.
"Anyways is it okay if I go shower quick?"

"Uh... yeah?"

He stands up, and begins walking away when I scurry to the edge of the bed and reach for his arm. "Wait!" I say, grasping his wrist. He pauses and turns around.

"Louis what do you mean?" I ask as I slowly let go. "You said 'what if I just did?' Like what is that supposed to mean?" I rest back onto the bed and wait for a response from him. But I didn't exactly get the one I wanted.

He just shrugged and turned to go to the shower with a smile on his face. "I'll let you figure it out on your own." He yells as he runs out of my room. I'm left with only is words. Laying back on my bed as I stare at the ceiling.

I can hear the shower water begin from upstairs and I close my eyes. Shower water makes me sleepy. I don't know why. I've always fallen asleep to the sound of water. It helps. You know? Rain, showers, baths, sinks, even sometimes the washer machine.

However this time I couldn't rest. I needed help. I knew 4 people who could help. 4 chances. Starting with Jaeden. Honestly, I don't go to Jaeden for boy advice EVER, but odds are he'd see my name on the screen and would ignore.

And I guessed right. No response.

Meh it's okay, he's either partying or in his dorm doing nothing by himself. Next I called Issie.

One ring.

Two rings.

3 rings.

A text.


Sorry girl, can't talk rn I'm at a party

it's okay! Have fun!


I and then I called Millie.

One ring.

Two rings.

And then she picked up. She was with Jack.

"Hey Amber!!" She said through the screen and then turned it toward Jack. "Oh it's you." He joked. He was eating ice cream. "Love you too Jack." I chuckled, rolling my eyes.

"Anyways what's up?" Millie asked, resting her chin on her fist. Jack laid his head on her shoulder as he looked up at the screen. They were like me and Louis. Most close with each other. I sighed and rubbed my face with stress.

"Please don't freak out when I say this..." I bit my lip. "But I'm in love with him."

Millie's eyes grew wide. "Wait... with LOUSI?" Jack snatched the phone from her hands. "AMBER'S IN LOVE WITH LOUIS?" He was smiling brightly. I felt my cheeks turning red. "You have no idea how long I've shipped you guys like I didn't want things to be awkward so I never said anything but now I can finally say that I've wanted you two to day for months and-"

"Okay okay Jack calm down at let her speak." Millie interrupted him as she took her phone back. "Anyways what made you feel like that?"

I sighed and bit my tongue. I told them all about our conversation just 10 minutes ago and how he said "what if I just did" and Millie was smiling. "You know what he means right?" She asked.

I shook my head. "No I'm so confused."

Jack scoffed a little and then laughed. "Amber are you really that slow? He likes you back."

I paused and felt my stomach fill with butterflies. "Wait what?" I ask.

Jack nods and smirks. "If I tell you something do you promise not to share it with a single soul?" He holds his pinky to the screen as if giving a pinky promise. I do too.

"Okay good." He sets his hand back down. "Louis texted me a few days ago about how he's struggling hiding his feelings for you. He said that you guys almost kissed and it scared you, so he pretended like he didn't like you so that you wouldn't worry. But he's hanging such a hard time trying to act like he isn't in love with you."

I tried so hard not to smile but I couldn't help it. Part of me felt bad for making him hide his feelings because it's genuinely not what I wanted... I guess he was right.
He isn't Noah. He'll never be Noah. He's better than Noah and cares for me more. He's Louis.

"He likes me too?" I grin

"He LOVES you too." Jack corrected. A boy jumped behind them and leaned over Millie's shoulder. "Who's that?" The boy asked.

Millie turned to face him and then looked back at the screen. "It's our friend Amber, we're giving her boy advice."

The boy smiles. "Ooooh you go girl," he tapped Millie and Jack's shoulders. "You guys gonna come over? We're playing beach volleyball." Millie nodded. "Be there in a second."

She turns back to me. "Sorry, that's Daniel." (Wink wink)

I nodded. "Okay well thank you guys for the help... I promise I won't tell him about this." I giggled a little.

"Bye Amber!! Good luck!!" She waved and then the call ended.

Oh my god.

Louis is in love with me too.

Sorry for any spelling errors, and sorry it's a short chapter!!

I had 2 hours of dance this morning and have 3 more😃🔫

Love you all!!

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