C26: Play it Cool

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Monday came around and school is same as always. Long, boring, useless. Right now is lunch, and Louis been acting nervous all day, throwing glances at Layla. Ignoring it, I take a bite out of my food.

"Amber?" I suddenly feel Louis hand grab my wrist. "Can I talk to you for a second?" I looked over and saw his wide eyes, looking like he needed help. I shrug it off and stand up.

"Yeah sure what's the problem?" I say as he pulls me around the corner. He takes a deep breath and I stare into his brown eyes. "What's wrong Lou?" I ask tilting my head and putting a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm gonna do it." He exhaled, looking down and biting his lip. "I'm gonna ask Layla out."

My heart drops, but I try to hold up my smile. I feel myself grow sad, and regretful, but I can't stop him. "Really!?" I say, trying my absolute best to sound excited for him. "That's great!"

He smiles a little and looks up. "Do you think she'll say yes?" I sigh and nod. "Of course. She likes you a lot." His eyes glow with relief and he nods. "But I'm so nervous and I don't know why..." I give him a short hug. "Louis trust me. I'm almost 100% sure she'll say yes."

He takes another deep breath and gives me a long hug. "Thank you Amber..."
My breath is shaky. Telling the guy you like to date other people is hard, especially when you've healed at the same time he's moved on. It sucks.

"Your welcome." I whisper, rubbing his back a little. "Now... go ask her out." I giggle a little. "Go get her."

Louis smiles a little and then walks away, going over to Layla. I peek over the corner and watch as Louis gently taps her shoulder and then holds out a hand for her to grab. But then Louis took his fingers, and I watched him slowly lace into hers. It felt like a bullet to my heart.

Then I watched him, and his cheerful smile take her to the lockers. He's happy. That's all that matters. I take a deep breath and head back to our table. Olivia gives me a little frown.

"You okay?" Without saying anything, I force a little smile and nod. "Yeah..." I say looking over at Louis and Layla. "It just hurts a little..."

It hurts a lot.

I fixed myself. I'm ready to date someone. But it just happens to be that Louis moved on at the same time. "As long as he's happy right?" I stifled a giggle. Olivia sighed. "Amber it's okay to be upset... we won't judge." She looks and Jacob who also gives a little nod.

"No really guys it's-"

Out of the corner of my eyes I see Layla move in closer and kiss him. His lips on hers. Her hand on his neck. By now I feel dead.

"I um... excuse me."

Standing up from my chair, I hurry to the toilets. I needed to let myself breathe at least a little. "Amber wait!!"

I hear Olivia call out my name as I make it to a cubicle and lock the door. I put my hands up to my forehead and closed my eyes. Don't cry. I bit my lip, trying to force myself into being happy for him.

He's happy now. Everything's okay. He wasn't the one. Move on.

Move on.

"Amber come out please..." I hear Olivia knock on the door a few times and softly whisper. "It's gonna be okay."

Don't cry.

It takes all my might to keep the tears back. Burning my eyes, and giving me a little headache. "They already kissed..." I whisper, though somehow she heard.

"I know... I know but it's okay. Just please come out for a second."

I take a few deep breaths and unlock the door, stepping out of the cubicle. My body was shaking from trying not to cry.

Olivia frowned and gave me a short hug. "It'll be okay." She pulled away and guided me out of the bathroom. "Just play it cool."

I nodded, and walked back to the table, where Layla and Louis were sitting, holding hands and all smiley. It took all my effort to keep my smile on.

"You did it!" I tried to sound excited. Louis nodded and looked down at Layla who rests her head on his shoulder. "He sure did, and I'm so happy about it."

I hate her.

• • •

School ended but I didn't focus the entire time after lunch. Now my chances of getting Louis are gone. And it sucks.

I grabbed my backpack and threw it over my shoulder, then closed my locker and walked over to Louis.

"So you and Layla hanging out today?" He looks up at me and smiles. "Yeah... yeah we are." I watch his face grow happy. Don't cry. So I smile and give him a small side hug. "I'm proud of you." I say, biting my tongue.

"If you ever want a break you can come over and throw snowballs at me." I chuckle and gulp. Louis smiles back and nods. "I will. Bye Amber!" He waved, going back to Layla's locker. I stood in silence for a minute, watching him be so happy.

It shouldn't hurt me because I should be happy for him but... it just does.

I sigh and turn away, heading out of the school. I couldn't wait to get home and just literally cry. It's already heartbreaking to see him date her, but what's more heartbreaking is pretending you okay. And happy.

That's what hurts the most.

Sorry for any spelling errors

And sorry this chapter is shorter!!

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