C36: Love Talk

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^^do you want pics of Louis or just some pretty pics for up there?^^

(FYI I originally had Jack dating cylia in this, but for the sake of the plot I changed it. Jack doesn't know cylia and they aren't dating.)

"What?!" I say, plopping next to her. "Millie? The girl who says she'll never need a man... wants a man?!?" I tease, and give her a little push. She slaps herself in the forehead. "Uuuggggghhh I hate this!" She says, while taking a deep breath. I tilt my head and lay back in bed next to her.

"How come?"

She turns her head to me. "We're so close and we're such good friends... I don't wanna ruin it!"

I sigh and look up. "That's how I felt when I fell in love with your brother. It's terrifying at first. Falling in love. But once you learn to accept it, it can actually be quite beautiful."

It was that moment I made a realization.

Jaeden and Issie.

Me and Louis.

Millie and Jack.

We're all in love with one another.

"Holy shit!" I say, sitting up.

"Jeez language young lady." Millie chuckles, pretending to be a mother. I look to her with wide eyes. "Everyone's in love!!" I say.

Millie's eyes grow wide too. "Omg your right!!"
I smile a little. "That's perfect!!"
"It's scary!"
"It's awesome!"
"No it's not!"

I put my hands on her shoulders. "Listen. You can't stop love. You've fallen into it and now you can't get out, so just accept it!"

Millie swallows and smiles a little. "He's so funny..." she blushed while looking down. I below her in the arm. "And you are too."

She giggled for a second and then I felt a question burning up in my throat. "What did you get Louis? Why did his face go all pink?" I ask, facing her.

We both say with our legs in cross cross, facing one another, moonlight shining through my window. And then she smirked.

"That is actually something I can't say."

"Oh come on, PLEASE??"

She shakes her head. "Ask something else you wanna know." I pout and look down at my lap. What do I wanna know?

I wanna know... I-

"Why can't Louis break up with Layla? After all she's done to him?"

Millie looks down. She definitely knows why. "He- he told me not to tell you... or anyone."
I sigh.
"Why not?"

"Because you could be in a little danger."

I felt confusion roll over me and I shook my head. "I'm willing to take the risk. Tell me please please please."

Millie bites her tongue and then looks back up. "If Louis breaks up with Layla, she said she'd hurt you. We don't know if she meant physically or emotionally, but she knows how much Louis loves you and how if she used you as an ultimatum he'd be forced to stay."

Not what I was expecting.

"He cares more about me? Than himself?"

She carefully nods as if telling me just opened a Pandora's box. "But you can't tell him I told you. I promised him I wouldn't say."

I nodded and looked over at my door. "Okay... yeah that makes sense. I won't."

She nodded and looked down at the bed. "So... do you wanna sleep or watch chick flicks all night? Let's forget about our loves and enjoy ourselves."

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