Chapter 22 : Forgive 1

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Izuma POV

Today is the day when I and Katsuki will meet Izuku, I still feel nervous and afraid of what he will say but I'm happy because I will meet Izuku.

"are you ready?" Katsui asked.

"ready" I said.

"Let's go to Mr. Ichio's mansion" Katsuki said.

We went to Mr. Ichio's mansion from Katsuki's house, when I got to Mr. Ichio's mansion I knocked on the door and Mr. Ichio opened the door and asked us to wait a moment, after a few minutes Mr. Ichio came out carrying several plastic bags full of something.

"Why bring so many plastic bags? What's in it?" I ask.

"This is all for my nephew who is with Izuku, Izuku said. He misses some Japanese snacks" Mr. Ichio said.

"your nephew? one of Izuku's boyfriends?" Katsuki asked.

"yes he is Izuku's boyfriend, his name is Ryu. He is a very innocent child, Izuku and Kaishi keep him innocent, even when Ryu cursed once they immediately looked for who taught that word to Ryu and they tortured him until they were satisfied" Mr. Ichio said.

"torturing him? Izuku torturing someone?" I asked incredulously.

"Yes, Izuku tortured that person for 30 minutes non-stop with a shock that made that person unable to faint and continued to feel shock with high voltage, that person repented and became a better person" Mr. Ichio said with a laugh.

what did he teach Izuku that Izuku could torture someone to such an extent? Just because that guy taught his innocent boyfriend to curse? Izuku changed a lot.

"and you should not force talking with Izuku and hir partner if they refuse or you will feel Izuku's deadly creations, but from what I know you are the worst hit by stun arrows. "Mr. Ichio said like that is normal.

"Was the stun arrow deadly?" Katsuki asks, a good question Kat.

"No, just shocked you for 10 minutes and couldn't move after 5 minutes" Mr. Ichio said.

"arrows like that are allowed there ?!" Katsuki asked.

"It's just a shock, if he uses the new P.I.D it is prohibited by their guards," Mr. Ichio said.

"what is P.I.D?" I ask.

"A poison arrow that makes the person hit will die after 5 seconds unless you are strong with the 5 strongest poisons in the world," Mr. Ichio said in the car.

"Who taught him how to make those poison arrows?" I ask.

"It's more accurate not who taught it, P.I.D, it was pure Izuku-made. He only got an unfinished arrow design because the maker was forbidden from continuing it" Mr. Ichio said.

"The creator of the design was banned, why could the design be in Izuku's hands?" Katsuki asked.

"I gave it to him by accident, I forgot where I put the design and it seems Izuku found it in my book," Mr. Ichio said.

"You created that arrow design? I thought you were an archery athlete?" I ask.

"I'm a crazy hero who was stopped because of the madness of my discovery," Mr. Ichio said.

"and I became an archery athlete," he added.

"You said you gave your book to Izuku. Is that your notebook?" I ask.

"Yup, that's my discovery notebook," Mr. Ichio said.

"When I get there I will be called the doctor, you guys don't hang around with me. There are lots of people targeting me for my book" Mr. Ichio said.

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