11. Privet Drive

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Moody was discharged from St. Mungo hospital.

Kingsley and Tonks volunteered to take him home. Home was a lie that they wrote on their report. In actuality, they were taking him to the Safehouse.

Moody was immediately greeted with joy by some members who stayed in Grimmauld's Place. There were Sirius, Remus, and the Weasley Family.

He wasn't humored. He simply nodded to everyone in embarassment.

'Thank you, lovely to see you all again.', said Moody quickly.


A meeting was conducted.

The kids were shooed away to get upstairs. They weren't allowed to hang around near the living room when the Orders are having meetings.

Molly never forgot to put a spell on the closed door. It prevented the kids from eavesdropping on them.

'We have to take Harry tomorrow. No more dawdling.', said Moody. 'Arthur will escort Harry to his hearing at the Ministry.'

They discussed what the situation in Privet Drive would be. How should they pick up Harry? How to get him out without notice from the Ministry and Death Eaters?

Harry had the trace on him, as he was an underage wizard. They couldn't directly apparate him to the Safehouse. After hours of meeting, they found a plan.

Sirius sulked as he wasn't going to be part of it.

The operation was called Advanced Guard.

As the meeting ended, Tonks wasted no time to carry out a plan on diverting the Dursleys. She sent a mail from a muggle post office to them. She made sure the Dursleys would leave when the Advanced Guard arrive.


The next morning, Mundungus brought some flying broomsticks. No one knew if he got it stolen or borrowed from someone. They took it unquestioningly.

'Can't wait to introduce myself to Harry Potter!', said Tonks excitedly at Remus.

Remus gave her a wide grin and chuckle.

The children watched as the assigned members were getting ready for the mission.

Moody, Remus, Tonks, Diggle, Podmore, Jones, Kingsley, Doge, and Emmeline Vance had taken their brooms.

'Alright, let's get to it, don't let muggles see you. Fly over the clouds, follow my lead.', said Moody. In no time, they started to fly.

It was cold and dark. The sun had not peak from the East. They flew upwards, wind gushing loudly in their ears, slapping their faces with cold air. The city was shining from underneath their feet.

The sky was welcoming morning. They could see Little Whinging beneath them.

The Dursleys were in their car, driving out toward their nonexistant house garden award invitation that Tonks sent to them. A lie to get them away from the house.

Moody and Kingsley casted anti muggle charms around Harry's street before they touched down. They stood in front of number 4, Privet Drive. Some members guarded the streets, while Remus knocked the front door.

There it was, the door opened, and a teenage wizard appeared. Brown hair. Round glasses in his face. A scar on his forehead. He was Harry Potter.

In bewilderment, everyone greeted him excitedly.

They let themselves into the house.

It was the first time they were there. They were looking around the house. Muggle things were quite interesting to them. The house was very clean.

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