34. Lyall Lupin's House

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Tonks and Remus arrived in a countryside. Tonks did not recognize where she was. But Remus knew about the place.

He looked at her. He did not smile. He did not speak, yet a million of words were spoken by his eyes. If words were spoken, it would be about worry, longing, anger, and glad toward her.

Then he hugged her. He buried his face on her neck. Tonks did not see it coming. Her eyes started forming tears and her throat was choking. She hugged him back. Remus tightened his embrace, to feel the warmth of the other.

The hug was passionate. They longed for it in their most secret dreams. Dreams of something they thought was wishful thinking.

'What were you doing, Tonks?', whispered Remus, 'Don't you know you should stay away?'

'I was worried you were in trouble.'

'Oh Tonks... you...' He did not want to welcome this, but he did. As much as he wanted to inculcate her action, he dropped it, just to feel the warmth he had been lacking for the past month.

The two of them let go. Tonks looked around the area. She had never been to this countryside.

There was a small town down the road. A wide hill was seen in the distance. The sky was about to set, warm orange and yellow. 'Where are we?', she asked.

'We are in my father's hometown. The idea just popped up at the moment... sorry... and... I have a lot of things to say to you, but it's better we take shelter... is that alright?'

Tonks walked alongside Remus into the town. They made a turn and found themselves in a street with cottage houses. Artistic flowerbeds and flower bushes decorated the already unique looking houses. They made it to one cottage house, with some red rose bushes and other kinds of flowers of blue, yellow, and purple.

Remus knocked. Then knocked again. A voice was heard from the inside. 'Who's there?!'

'I, father, Remus, your son. Ask me a question.'

'...What was your mother's favorite snack?'

'Blueberry muffin. What silverware did you break which mother was angry at you for?'

'A butter knife! Ha!', said the man inside. He opened the door. His smile grew when he saw his son at his doorstep.

'Remus, my boy. How are you? oh?', Lyall Lupin hugged his son and noticed someone was standing behind. His guard was down when he noticed the woman seemed friendly.

Remus coughed in awkwardness and said, 'This is my... my friend, father. Her name is Nymphadora T-'

'You can call me Tonks, sir, nice to meet you!', said Tonks cheerfully. They proceeded to shake hands.

Remus was flustered. 'Yes, call her Tonks. Can we get inside? The sky is getting dark.'

Lyall was excited of the guest. He led them into the house in chatter. He told Tonks how delighted he was to have a visitor of Remus' friend. Remus did not visit as often as he should, he said. Seeing his son was already a blessing to his quiet retired life. Having another guest, a woman, to be exact, was interesting to him. '...and to add, you're the first woma-'

'Father! Yes! Yes! It's been awhile isn't it, I'm sorry, I always pop by in some inconvenient time. Anyway, is there any food for dinner, father? We haven't eaten all day.'

To hide Remus' embarassment, he led his father to the kitchen. Leaving Tonks, who seemed entertained enough to be alone in the living room.

In the kitchen, Lyall whispered to his son, 'she's a pretty lady, Remus. Are you sure you two are just friends?'

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