53. Motorbike

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Next day was Saturday.

Fred, George, and Hagrid stayed for awhile in the house. Arthur was more than happy to be at home with his family. He felt comforted to be near them after what had gone down last night.

George was obliged to rest for the whole day, Fred had to go back to the joke shop all by himself to get something done. Then he would come back to the Burrow.

Hagrid wanted to stay for another couple of days before he had to go back to Hogwarts with two borrowed thestrals. He wanted to make sure he knows what to do after Moody's passing.

Remus and Bill did not come back to the Burrow until a bit later in the day. They were too tired to greet their significant others in the kitchen. They said hellos to anyone in the living room and kitchen. Continued going up the stairs.

'Not even a kiss from Bill.', said Molly grudgingly.

'Wonder where they went all night.', said Ron.

'None of your business, Ronald!', said Molly.

Dora walked upstairs to find Remus. She found him in the bedroom. Remus was still in his cloak. He was sleeping, deeply. He laid on his stomach, snoring.

Dora chuckled. She got her wand out and lifted Remus up in the air. Remus' cloak undid itself and went to rest by a drawer nearby. Dora laid her husband down gently by his back. She made sure his head rested comfortably on a pillow. His expression changed slightly in his sleep. Smiling.

'Rest easy, big guy.', whispered Dora in a whisper. She went to kiss him on the cheek.

Dora wanted to break the news of her pregnancy to him. But she had to wait much later. She didn't know when, bug hopefully soon. He has to know of his baby.

She went back down to meet Molly, passing Ron, who was angrily stomping his feet up to the stairs.

'What's wrong with him?', asked Dora.

'Oh just needing him to clean his bedroom.', said Molly.

'Why? I never heard you-', Dora stopped when Molly gave her the stink eye. She noticed Hermione was tending the garden, outside. 'Is there... is there anything I can help in the house, Molly? Seems everyone are pretty busy.'

'Oh, well, I'm just giving the kids something to do... you don't need to do anything right now.', said Molly. She went away to talk to Hermione.

Just then, Doea got a patronus from her mother. Her mother asked if it was alright for Dora to come over to the house and retrieve broken motorbike of a vehicle that Hagrid rode.

The patronus disappeared.

Dora went to look for Hagrid. The half-giant was reading a book in the living room. He sat on a sofa by himself.

'Hello Hagrid. Are you busy?', asked Dora.

'Tonks! No, no. Is there somethin' I can do ter help?', asked Hagrid. He put down the book.

'My parents asked if I can get the broken motorbike here. Maybe you want them repaired.'

'Oh tha' ol' Sirius' bike! Yeh why not. Pop 'em off to Arthur ter do some tinkerin.'

'Oh right! Arthur will have a blast with this one!', said Dora. 'But wait, the bike was Sirius'? I didn't know...'

'Yeh it was, yer didn't know tha'? Thought you'd knew.', said Hagrid. 'Sirius gave it ter me before the scandal happened. Boy I'm glad I didn't throw it all away. I almost did, ye know, when Sirius was put in Azkaban. Thought he was some bad guys. Glad he wasn't.'

Hagrid contemplated with himself for a moment. He smiled humbly and nodded. In a heave-ho, he stood up. His head was just ten centimetre away from the ceiling.

'Let's ge' tha' mo'orbike!', said Hagrid.

Dora followed. She helped Hagrid out of the front door. Just when they managed to go outside, Arthur stopped them in curiosity.

Arthur was carrying some flying brooms that he had just mended. 'Where are you guys going?'

'Just retrieving the bike!', said Dora, walking alongside Hagrid. 'We'll send it to you, Arthur!'

'The motorbi-', Arthur was excited to hear it. 'Send it staright to my garage, will you! Don't let Molly see it!'


Dora and Hagrid went off.

They arrived in Ted and Adnromeda Tonks' house.

The parents were so happy to see their daughter. They had been worrying all night if she was alright. It took some time until they noticed Hagrid was there.

Andromeda and Ted let them in. The four of them sat down in the living room. As always, Andromeda made them some tea.

Seeing her parents, Dora remembered a special someone in her belly. Hopefully true that the baby was growing inside healthily. She really wanted to tell them, but she couldn't. She wanted Remus to know first.

Dora talked about what happened with the mission from last night. Andromeda and Ted were listeing closely. They held their breaths. When Moody's death was mentioned, it took DoRa awhile to continue. Tonks' eyes almost welled up to mention him, she stiffenned smile.

'We'll put an end to their terror.', said Dora.

'We will.', added Hagrid in optimism.

Ted and Andromeda found such bravery in their daughter to be inspiring. It was like seeing her in a new light. They couldn't be more prouder.

The four of them shared what they went through last night. It gave a much better understanding of things.

Dora found it interesting to hear the slightly different perspective between Hagrid and her parents.

Dora mentioned jer chase with Bellatrix and Rodolphus. Andromeda moaned stiffly when she learned that Bella tried to kill her.

'Well, I think it's time to show you the bike, I think.', said Ted, saving his wife's misery. He knew what she was going through.

The four of them went to the back garden. The motorbike was laid on the ground. It was broken. One wheel had snapped.

''Opfully, Arthur can fix it, eh.', said Hagrid.

'Arthur?', asked Ted.

Dora realized that her parents shouldn't have known anything about the Weasley. It was a secret safehouse after all.

'Yeah. I hear he likes muggle technology. I think he can repair it for us.', said Dora. She secretly stared at Hagrid. Hagrid gave a secret sorry expression.

'We knew him.', said Ted. He held Andromeda, closely. 'He and his wife were nice people. Good that Arthur hasn't change. He already showed muggle interests back in school.'

'Oh right, you two were about a year different, right. Now it's coming back to me.', said Hagrid, happily remembering it. 'Alrigh'. Let's ge' tis away!'

Hagrid pointed his umbrella wand at the broken pieces of a motorbike. The vehicle disappeared.

'There!', said Dora in a big smile.

Before leaving, Dora promised them that she would come back. She knows she would. She really wanted to tell them about the baby. She wanted to tell them after she tell Remus.

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