62. Kidnapping Muggleborns

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Next day, Remus prepared everything for Dora and Andromeda in the morning again. He kissed Dora and her big pregnancy belly. He spoke good intentions to Andromeda. Then he continued to deliver the letters from McGonnagall's request.

He apparated to the City of Oxford. He appeared at a one of the Wizarding Alley in the area, Witsful Alley.

Yesterday, he should have visited three kids in this city, but he only managed to visit one. He had to visit 11 homes of muggleborns to complete this city. Remus had to work fast.

He visited one home to another in a more brief than yesterday. He tried not to burden himself with their reactions of receiving this news. But he found it difficult.

It was difficult to ignore those who were afraid or who had difficult parents/ guardians to deal with. Sometimes there were obstacles to meet these people he had to meet. Maybe some of them weren't in the house when he visited.

Nothing was predictable. All these people had their own schedule. Remus could only try to do McGonnagall's request as best as he could.

He suceeded to visit four houses so far. Only skipped one, as no one was home.

He visited the next home. A surprising two siblings of muggle parents had magical abilities. Having more than one child to have magic ability from muggle parents was rare.

He arrived to one of a row house home. He stood in front of the house number eight. He knocked.

But then he heard popping sounds. Like a group of people had just apparated behind him.

'There's a muggle here!' Said someone.

'Impossible, I've enchanted it with muggle repelling spell!'

'Keep your hands in the air! And turn around slowly!'

Remus was white faced. He could imagine their wands pointed straight at him deadly. He turned around slowly with his arms up. And it was true, they were pointing their wands at him. Six Ministry officials were present.

'Who are you? Are you a wizard?!'

'Y-yes.', said Remus.

'Are you pureblood, halfblood, or muggleborn?! State your name!'

Remus had seconds to act. 'I-I'm Argus Filch! H-halfblood! But a squib!', said Remus in a blurted lie.

The Ministry Officials laughed. 'A squib!', 'You don't see that everyday!'

They looked at Remus like he was a big joke. 'Why are you visiting a muggleborn house, Mr Filch?!'


Just then the door opened and the Ministry Official started pointing at whoever was by the door. A seventeen year old boy, which Remus knew was a Hogwarts student, answered.

'What is going on here?', asked the boy.

'Are you Magnus Portkin?', asked one of the officials.

'Y-yes?', spoke the boy confusedly.

The Officials started marching up to him. Magnus panicked. Two officials grabbed him.

'Hey what are you doing?!', shouted Magnus.

Two other officials entered the house with force. Magnus started shouting as he struggled to let go. He was dragged out into the street.

One other official whispered to another before he got into the house as well. The last official pointed his wand at Remus.

Remus was shocked by this situation. This did not happen before. The officials dragged the kid out like he had done a serious crime.

Then a much younger voice of a boy started screaming from inside of the house. Magnus screamed, 'Charles! Charles!'

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