67. Camera

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Remus called it parental leave. He stayed in the house, entertaining himself with Teddy at all times. An excuse he told Kingsley when he was asked to continue Potterwatch.

He loved to spend time with his son. He didn't want to leave him. Like Andromeda, he wanted to steal every moment with the baby as much as possible.


Dora went through her belongings, a random morning. She pulled out things out of her wardrobe. The bed was messy as she searched everything.

Remus carried Teddy with one arm, while he was sipping a pumpkin juice that Andromeda had made. He leaned by the doorway, watching her, curiously. Teddy was sleeping, undisturbed by his mama's cluttering ruckus.

He watched his wife, who was searching for things he did not know.

'What are you doing, love?', he asked before sipping his drink casually.

'Looking for my old analog camera. I know it's here somewhere.', said Dora.

'Analog camera? interesting.'

'Yeah, I had it for my 15th birthday! I want to use it again to photograph little Teddy.'

Remus grew curious. He put down his glass to a random surface nearby. He walked to see a half empty wardrobe.

Dora opened some small boxes. She rummaged the content, then she put it away when the camera wasn't in it. She got another un-opened box and rummaged it again.

'Ha! I found it!', she shouted. Teddy groaned and cried because of her startling voice. Dora looked at her son, feeling bad she had shouted.

Remus made a sound and bounced Teddy around, lightly. 'Shh... shh... shh...', he attempted.

'Oh Teddy...', spoke Dora. She put down the camera on the messy bed. She took this chance to get ahold of Teddy, so she could calm him down herself. She walked away in victory as she got Teddy. She held him and calmed him down. 'Sorry, mummy got excited, she found her old camera back,' Dora started speaking in her baby voice, 'and she'll be taking, lots, of, pictures, of you.'

'There's still some films left in here.', said Remus intruigedly. He examined the inside of the camera.

Dora looked at him happily. 'Really?! Try capturing me and Teddy!'

Remus held up the camera to his eyes. He could see Dora and Teddy through the lens.

Dora was laughing and swaying Teddy gently. The baby was not crying anymore.

He took the first picture.


Dora had a surprised happy reaction. 'It still works!', she said in an excited restraining shout.

Remus had a satisfactory grin. He walked over and tried to set the film for another photo. He wanted a close up of Teddy.

Teddy saw the shiny lens. He could see himself on it. He laughed bubbly and was reaching out to grab the lens.

Remus taunted him a bit. Let him play the lens. Then he clicked it. He captured the first close up photo of Teddy.

'How many pictures left on the film?', asked Dora, peeking when Remus opened the camera to set it again for another picture.

'About five more, I think.', said Remus. He took a close up photo of Dora and Teddy. Dora wasn't quite ready, she smiled as soon as she heard the click sound.

'Oh that's gonna be terrible.', she said. Remus laughed and shrugged. He set the camera again. 'Let's take a photo with the three of us!'

Remus looked at her happily. They went out to see her mum in the living room. They asked her to help them take a picture. Andromeda gladly did so.

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