38. New Safehouse

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After the funeral ended, McGonnagall had ordered the rest of the teachers to accompany the remaining guests in the great hall. More so to keep an eye out on the remaining students such as Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

She rounded every Order of the Phoenix to a meeting. Everyone followed her up to a floor. They found an empty classroom.

Everyone were inside. McGonnagall locked the door behind them. Casted some spells to hide this room and muffled sounds so outsiders would not bother them.

Some of them sat down at student chairs or tables. Some of them stood straight or leaning a wall. But they had one thing in common. They were mourning.

McGonnagall stood in front of the class, just like she would do when she was teaching.

'Thank you all for coming to Albus Dumbledore's funeral.', said McGonnagall with a strained voice. 'What happened to him was injustice. And upmost betrayal from someone we thought we knew.'

She continued,'My former work collegue and a former member of Order of the Phoenix, Severus Snape, is in fact, has killed our dear Albus Dumbledore. A betrayal that we did not see it coming.'

'As of now, we had lost a leader of the Order. Many things are lost with Dumbledore gone. And I... Oh I really need guidance from all of you... I... I do not think I could cope with this.'

McGonnagall bursted in tears. Molly rushed up to hug McGonnagall tightly, comforting her.

'That bastard.', said Doge, 'everything is ruined.'

'That sly demon! If Dumbledore didn't trust him so much, none of this would have happened!,' said Remus.

Everyone broke into a big bickering to one another. Everyone had some say in this. Which was ineffective at delivering their opinions.

'Now, now, quiet down.', said Arthur, trying to calm everyone. But no one were listening. He sighed and looked at his twin sons for help.

George pulled out a horned can from his pocket. He held it up, it made a loud trumpet sound. Everyone were silenced but annoyed.

'Now,' spoke Arthur, 'We will continue our cause, even without Dumbledore. We will work accordingly. We will not let him down, not when we've come so far. We have to stay united against them! Against you-know-who and his followers.'

'But... what do we do now? With Dumbledore gone... no leader.', said Arabella Figg in her quiet voice. Everyone were thinking.

Moody stepped up, 'We will plan as we should. With Dumbledore gone, it doesn't mean we're lost. We will all get through this. Mark my words.'

'Yes... and I am hopeful as well, ' said Kingsley, 'we can do this. We all can. We've managed to keep ourselves alive. We can get through this on our own.'

'Minerva...' spoke Jones, 'do you think you're up to be the leader of the Order? I know it's a bit much, considering you've just been replacing Dumbledore as headmistress of Hogwarts as well...'

Everyone looked at her. McGonnagall had cold feets. Molly helped her sit down on a teacher's chair. 'I- I can't, I have no knowledge about... about things like this... I'm an educator, not... this.'

McGonnagall looked around at everyone. Faces of them were tired and dejected. She felt sorry for them. Then she stopped at Moody.

Moody caught on. He nodded. Took some couple of breaths, and spoke, 'I volunteer.' Everyone looked at him in surprise. 'I am a retired auror. I have knowledge of what is going on and how to plan missions. I can coordinate. I do not let my personal feelings take control of things. If you all will have me, I will lead this Order.'

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