29. Percy

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Remus arrived at The Burrow. The wind was piercing cold. His travelling cloak and hair was covered in trickles of snow. He knocked on the door. 'Who is it?', asked Molly.

'Remus Lupin, Molly. Moony.'

The door swung open. 'My! You look peaky! Come inside, quickly! We've just about to get the birthday cake out!'

Remus smiled. He was quite exhausted. Apparating from where he came from in blizzard winter was difficult. 'Merry Christmas, Molly. Thank you very much.' He said as he got inside.

Molly closed the door. She wished him merry christmas and helped him took off his cloak.

Remus felt a sudden rush of warmth from inside the house. It was very pleasant, compared to the cold winter air from outside.

Arthur was sitting in his favorite couch reading a book. He looked up and wished him Merry Christmas too.

He had a conversation with Arthur about lighthearted things, but seldomly, they talked about terrible things happening out there in the Wizarding World.

Their chat was pleasantly stopped when Bill and Fleur came down and greeted them. They were looking for Molly, which they found her in the kitchen.

Harry and Ron came downstairs and found Remus, standing next to Arthur. 'Lupin!', spoke Harry.

'Hello, Harry! You too, Ron! Merry Christmas.'

'Merry christmas.' They said.

Soon enough he met Ginny, Fred, and George too.

Remus hung around and about. He asked Molly if Mad-eye would come over. Unfortunately he learned the man had messaged the Weasley that he could not make it for Christmas. Molly had also added Tonks, who she invited as well, did not manage to come over.

Remus did not show how displeased he was to hear any mention about Tonks. He secretly wanted to hear none of it.

His mind was now thinking of any reasons she could not come. The dumb thoughts he had to his own reasoning was she couldn't be here because HE himself was here. His thought made him stress.

The kitchen and dinner table were crammed when everyone assembled. They decided to sit randomly anywhere around the house.

Remus pulled up a chair and propped it nearest to the fireplace. The heat was warming his body more. It erased the feeling of the cold.

He got a plateful of delicious food. It had been awhile since he had decent food to eat. He was also spoiled by such warm tea. He placed the cup on top of the fireplace.

Arthur ate his dinner at the dinner table with Molly, Ginny, Harry, and Ron. Whereas Bill and Fleur sat at a high chair, by the kitchen counters. The twins sat at the sofa on the living room, near a fireplace.

Remus had a nice chat with the twins, about their inventions for their joke shop.

They put aside their finished plates in the kitchen sink.

Fred and George pulled a prank on Ron. Everyone burst out laughing, except for Ron himself and his mother. Molly lectured the twins about misbehaviour on Christmas.

Stomaches were full, everyone gathered at the living room together. Remus sat back on his seat near the fireplace.

Arthur sat on his favorite couch, near a sofa which Harry and Ron were sitting. Fleur and Bill decided to sit down on the carpetted floor, backresting at the sofa frame, embracing each other whilst watching the fire wood crackling.

'You know, in this house,' spoke Molly, standing near some shelves, 'Arthur and I have this tradition...'

Molly went to turn on a radio at one of the shelves. She tuned it around until a song was heard in the entire room. The music was carried with the voice of Celestina Warbeck.

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