43. Conception

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Moody asked Arthur and Molly if he could stay in the Burrow.

Molly and Arthur were welcoming. They told him he could stay, but he would have to sleep in the living room sofa. All of the bedrooms were occupied.

Lyall overheard it. He went over to them. 'Forgive me, Molly, Arthur... your home is lovely... and your family has been very kind... But I think I should stay somewhere else.', he said.

'Lyall, stay here. Remus would wants you to be safe and sound.', said Molly.

Remus looked over by his shoulder. He heard his name being spoken. He could not help himself, but to find out what they were talking about.

Dora, who was standing next to him, noticed his demeanor and looked at the source he was looking at.

Lyall explained,'I think Alastor Moody, as the leader of this Order would need the bedroom more than I do... I'm just passing by here. I will stay with a relative.'

Lyall looked around the room to see his son. He caught him staring back.

Remus went over to them. He looked at his father. He felt sorry. 'You're going away?', asked Remus.

'I'm afraid so. I'll stay with a distant cousin of mine in Ireland... I'm sure I'll be save from those Death Eaters there.'

Lyall hugged his only son. Remus did not want to cry in front of everbody. He closed his eyes shut and hugged his father. 'Then travel safely, father.'

'Keep yourself safe and your wife. You know where to find me, Remus.', said Lyall after hugging. He bid farewell, shook hands with everyone in the room.

Dora was the last person he approached. For her, he hugged her. 'Take care of my son for me. He can be a handful.'

Dora laughed. 'I will, Lyall, thank you.', they stopped hugging. 'Safe trip.'

Lyall looked back at his son and his wife. He smiled and nodded. Then exitted out and apparated away.

'I'm sorry, Remus.', said Molly feeling like it was her fault.

'No, it's alright. It was what he wanted.', said Remus. He was alright with it, but something in him was disappointed.

'Your father is very nice. You're just like him. Now I get why you're this way.', said Moody.

'Thanks Mad-Eye.', he said, giving Moody a thin smile.



Moody checked in to Charlie's old bedroom. He settled all his belongings in there, after that, he had dinner with everyone downstairs.

After dinner, Remus and Dora went back to their bedroom. Dora was checking all her stuff. She was packing her things for tomorrow.

'So we're still going to your parents' house tomorrow?', asked Remus, sitting on the bed and staring her backside.

She was checking her knife whether it was sharp enough or she had to resharpen it. 'Yes! we should go there tomorrow.'

'What you did downstairs, when we were looking for checkpoints... why did you offer your family's home? Don't you want them to be safe?'

Dora was ready with her gears for what she would bring on her journey. It wasn't much, just two knives and two smoke bombs in stock. She laid them down neatly to prepare for tomorrow.

She looked at Remus when she was done. 'It's not like I'm taking them into battle. I'm just lending their house for the Order.'

'Yes, but what if... well what if Death Eaters know and try to harm them?'

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